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词汇 一方面
例句 Dealing with people is the most important aspect of my work.与人打交道是我工作中最重要的一方面American teenagers are being simultaneously babied and neglected.在美国,青少年一方面被过度保护,一方面又被忽视。We did not have very clear guidelines on how to assess environmental impacts.在如何评估环境影响这一方面我们没有明确的指导方针。The newspaper is normally highly astute at keying into its readers' feelings.报纸一般在理解读者感受这一方面非常敏感。It is a closed society in the sense that they've not been exposed to many things.他们接触的事不多,从这一方面来说这是个封闭的社团。He has read many books on the subject.他看过许多关于这一方面的书。Why didn't we visit? Well, for one thing, it was too far away. And for another, she never invited us.我们为什么没去拜访?唉,一方面呢,隔得太远;另一方面呢,她从来没有邀请过我们。I was torn. Part of me wanted to leave, and part wanted to stay.我难以做出抉择。心里一方面想离开,一方面又想留下。She has already expressed her dissatisfaction with this aspect of the policy.她对政策的这一方面已经表达了不满。Making the rules is only part of it. How the rules are carried out is the other side of the coin.制定出规定仅仅是事情的一方面,这些规定怎么执行则是另一回事了。Most research in the field has concentrated on the effects on children.这一领域的大多数研究都集中在对孩子的影响这一方面Blind children tend to be more passive in this area of motor development than sighted children.失明的孩子在动作发展的这一方面往往比不失明的孩子更加被动。We have enormous wealth at one pole, and poverty and misery at the other.我们一方面有着巨大的财富,另一方面又存在着贫穷和困苦。In one respect, however, the men really were strikingly similar.然而,一方面,那些男人真的非常相似。How can we trust a government that mentions community care and cutbacks in the same breath?我们怎能相信这样的政府:一方面提倡社区关怀,同时又说要削减这方面的开支?Poor working conditions are only part of the problem.恶劣的工作条件仅仅是问题的一方面She was a monster. For one thing, she really enjoyed cruelty.她是个恶魔。一方面,她确实以残忍为乐。On the one hand I'd like a job that pays more, but on the other hand I enjoy the work I'm doing at the moment.一方面我想要一份薪水更高的工作,但另一方面我也喜欢现在的工作。They are driven on partly by a wish for democracy, but also by a desire for national self-assertion.驱动他们的一方面是对民主的期待,另一方面是对民族自立的渴望。It is worth remembering that children tend to copy their parents in this respect.值得记住的是孩子们在这一方面往往会效仿父母。You tell me in the same breath that it is useless to investigate the matter, and that you desire me to do it.一方面对我说调查此事是白搭,另一方面却又希望我去调查。On the one hand, expansion would be good, but on the other hand it would be sad to lose the family atmosphere.一方面来说, 扩大发展当然很好,但从另一方面来说,失去这种家庭氛围令人遗憾。On the one hand, if the body doesn't have enough cholesterol, we would not be able to survive. On the other hand, if the body has too much cholesterol, the excess begins to line the arteries.一方面,如果体内没有足够的胆固醇,我们就无法存活下去。另一方面,如果体内胆固醇过高,多余的胆固醇就会附着在动脉内壁上。Antonio has a contagious enthusiasm for the beautiful aspect of food.安东尼奥对食品赏心悦目这一方面的热情非常有感染性。We define education very broadly and students can study any aspect of its consequences for society.我们对教育的定义非常宽泛,学生们可以就其给社会带来的影响的任一方面进行研究。Toby saw eye to eye with Dave on almost every aspect of the production.托比和戴夫在生产的每一方面几乎都意见一致。On the one hand they say they wish to reduce the cost of living, and on the other they increase the duties on a number of articles.一方面他们说希望降低生活开支,另一方面他们又抬高了不少物品的税收。On one level I quite like the attention but on another level, I suppose I find it a little disturbing.一方面我很喜欢这种关注,但另一方面我又觉得这种关注对我有些干扰。It's very bad that tons of food are going to waste while people are starving.一方面数以吨计的粮食被浪费,另一方面人们在挨饿,这情况真是糟糕。He was his own worst enemy, too uncompromising to get on with politicians and too aloof to win the affection of ordinary people.他是自作自受,一方面不懂妥协,无法与政客们和睦相处,另一方面又孤傲冷漠,不能赢得大众的喜爱。He motivated his players through a mixture of stern demands and affection.一方面严格要求,一方面又给予关爱,以此来激励运动员。You have more experience with this, so I'm going to defer to you.你在这一方面更有经验,所以我准备把此事委托给你。Failures in this area will have to be compensated for by successes in other areas.一方面的失败必须由其他方面的成功来弥补。




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