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词汇 海港
例句 The harbour lights were visible across the bay.海港的灯光在港湾对面依稀可见。Some of the harbourside fishing villages are straight out of coffee-table pictorials.一些海港岸边的渔村景色就是从咖啡桌画刊中截取的。Two of the ships were blown up while they were still in the harbour.其中两艘船还在海港里的时候就被炸毁了。At night the harbour lights up.到了晚上,海港灯火通明。Harbour lights were blinking on the horizon.海港的灯火在水平线上闪烁著。A severely damaged battleship came limping into the harbour.一艘受损严重的战舰缓缓驶入海港In the harbor, the boats’ rigging clanked noisily in the high wind.海港里,船上的索具在狂风中当郎作响。The harbour bustled with activity.海港热闹繁忙。Several little boats escorted the sailing ship into the harbour.在数只小船的护航下,帆船驶入海港They plumbed the water on the other side of the harbour.他们测量了海港另一侧的水深。The boatyard is located at the southern extremity of the harbour.船坞位于海港的最南端。This harbour teemed with oceangoing commerce.这一海港曾经有繁盛的海外贸易。The guns of the fort cover the entrance to the harbour.堡垒炮火控制了通向海港的入口。Terry's just bought himself a place over in Newgate, overlooking the harbour.特里刚在纽盖特买了房子,可以看到海港The boat came loose from its moorings and floated out into the harbor.那艘船的缆绳松开了,漂进了海港New York is a big harbor.纽约是个巨大的海港He described the smell as something between a circus and a seaport.他形容那种气味介于马戏团和海港的味道之间。Delicious potted shrimps and prawns were once the stock-in-trade of the harbourside cafe.美味的火锅虾曾经是海港周围咖啡馆的招牌菜。The cries of the seagulls gave this part of the harbour a fascinating character all of its own.海鸥的鸣叫声给这片海港带来了迷人的独特气息。Hotels nestle around the harbour.一些旅馆隐隐约约地坐落在海港的周围。We found a lovely seafood restaurant by the harbour.我们在海港附近发现了一家很好的海鲜餐馆。The police fished the car out of the harbor.警方把汽车从海港里拖出。He described the smell as something between a circus and a sea-port.他形容那种气味介于马戏团和海港的味道之间。The two men met at the seaport but sailed on separate ships.这两个人在海港见了面,但分别乘坐不同的船出航了。Green and yellow lights blinked on the surface of the harbour.海港的水面上闪烁着绿色和黄色的灯光。We sailed into the comparative shelter of the harbour.我们驶到海港中相对安全的避风处。The sewers collected sewage and storm runoff and discharged it, untreated, into the harbour.污水和暴雨径流汇入下水道后被直接排入海港The harbour walls need urgent reinforcement.海港堤坝急需加固。The harbor was icebound.海港被冰封住了。For three days, it was inadvisable to leave the harbour.三天之内最好不要驶离海港Courtney's apartment faces the harbour.考特妮的公寓面朝海港




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