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词汇 母牛
例句 In the natural course of events cows would wish to be milked more than twice a day.按照事情发展的自然规律,母牛每天应该挤奶两次以上。The cow calved in the barn.母牛在牛棚里生了小牛。We winter the cows in the barn.我们让母牛在牲口棚里过冬。The cow yields milk twice a day.这头母牛每天产两次奶。The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows.这个器具被用来为母牛实施人工授精。The farmer put his heifer to the bull.农夫把他的母牛跟那头公牛配对。The cow produces one young a year.这头母牛一年产一头牛犊。Have you heard the one about the brown cow who goes into a bar?你听过那个棕色母牛跑进酒吧的笑话了吗?A cow's udder hangs loosely between its legs and produces milk.母牛的乳房垂于腿之间用来产奶。Each cow was branded with the ranch's logo.每头母牛都烙上了该牧场的标记。Suddenly the cow kicked up its hind legs.突然母牛踢起了后腿。She referred to him as a stupid cow.她竟把他称作笨母牛Hormones and antibiotics are fed to cows to stimulate greater milk yields.人们给母牛喂食激素和抗生素以提高牛奶产量。The cow flicked the flies away with its tail.母牛挥尾巴赶掉牛虻。Calves rely on their mother's milk to provide nourishment.牛犊靠母牛的牛奶提供营养。When his cows calve each year he keeps one or two calves for his family.他的母牛每年产犊时,他都给自家留上一两头。I saw this big brown cow swishing its tail and staring at me.我看见这头棕色的大母牛瞪着我,唰唰地甩着尾巴。The gadget is used to artificially inseminate cows.这个小工具是用来给母牛进行人工授精的。She thought the cow had got the Indian sign when it wouldn't give any more milk.她想这头母牛不肯产奶准是着了魔了。I can never tell one cow from another.我永远都无法把一头母牛与另一头母牛区分开来。The heifer uttered a peculiar cry with which female cattle preluded their fights.母牛发出一声怪叫,母牛群就开始斗了起来。The cows milk well.这些母牛出奶率高。I'm not kidding, Frank. There's a cow out there, just standing around.我没有开玩笑,弗兰克。外面有一头母牛,就站在附近。The cow's tail flicked from side to side.母牛的尾巴左右甩动。Some of the cows lowed.一些母牛哞哞地叫。The cow had difficulties calving.这头母牛生小牛难产。




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