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词汇 周游世界
例句 She went off to bum round the world with a boyfriend.她动身和一个男友去周游世界了。I'd love to have a job that let me travel around the world.我喜欢有一份可以让我周游世界的工作。She became a photographer, roving the world with her camera in her hand.她成了一个摄影师,拿着相机周游世界He is swanning around the world spending his ill-gotten gains on a champagne lifestyle.他正在悠闲地周游世界,用非法所得过着奢华的生活。They travelled the world in an old camper van.他们乘坐一辆破旧的露营车周游世界He spent his youth voyaging around the globe.他把青春时光都用在了周游世界上。He started out on a voyage around the world.他开始周游世界They have knocked about all over the world.他们曾周游世界Groundhoppers travel the world in order to attend matches of any level in as many stadiums as possible. 球场跳跃者周游世界,目的是尽可能多地去各级别比赛场地观战。When he has completed his studies, he'll travel around the world.完成学业后,他要周游世界Dave amazed his friends by leaving a well-paid job to travel around the world.戴夫辞掉一份高薪的工作去周游世界,这令他的朋友大为吃惊。She became a photographer, roving the world with her camera.她成了一位摄影师,带着相机周游世界We plied Charlie with questions about his trip round the world.我们不停地问查利他周游世界的事情。They travelled the world collecting animals, to wit: big cats, monkeys, and even elephants.他们周游世界收集动物,即大型猫科动物、猴子,甚至大象。I shall get myself a little boat and sail her around the world.我要去搞条小船,驾着它周游世界I'd like to travel round the world.我想周游世界She thought nothing of travelling around the world alone.她认为独自周游世界没什么大不了的。They want to see/travel the world.他们想见见世面/周游世界He traveled in all quarters of the earth when he was young.他年轻时曾周游世界The chance to travel around the world attracted me to a career as a flight attendant.有机会周游世界使我选择成为一名空乘人员。Sometimes she fantasized about buying a boat and sailing around the world.有时候,她幻想着买艘船周游世界They're set for a world cruise.他们准备坐船周游世界I'd like to drive around the world.我想开车周游世界He sailed the seven seas.他航行周游世界各大海洋。He wanted to see the world.他想周游世界They sent their daughters on world trips to get them away from undesirable lovers.他们把女儿们打发去周游世界,以使她们与不中意的情人脱离。Sometimes I feel like packing it all in and going off on a round-the-world trip.有时候我很想把工作辞了,去周游世界After leaving college and earning some money he set off to see the world.他离开大学后挣了些钱,就去周游世界增长见识了。Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book.瑞安博士周游世界为他的书搜集资料。These are relics of his journey round the world.这些是他周游世界旅行的纪念品。He had done his best while Byrnes perambulated the world.伯恩斯周游世界期间他已经竭尽全力了。His plans to travel the world now seemed like a distant dream.周游世界的计划如今看来犹如一个遥远的梦。




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