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词汇 九月
例句 She made her first and only space flight last September.去年九月,她进行了首次、也是唯一一次航天飞行。He will ask a group of experts to report on the issue to a September meeting of G7 finance ministers.他将请一批专家在九月举行的七国集团财长会议上就此问题进行汇报。She'll be back in school come September. = She'll be back in school when September comes.到了九月,她将返回学校。The next round of collective bargaining is scheduled for September.下一轮集体谈判预定在九月举行。September is here, bringing with it a chill in the mornings.九月到了,清晨已有了凉意。She will skip a grade and go right from the fourth to the sixth grade next September.明年九月,她将跳一级,直接从四年级跳到六年级。September was passing and there was still no news of him.九月就要过去了,仍没有他的消息。This event is staged annually, in the last week of September.该活动于每年九月的最后一个星期举办。My lease will expire on September 30th of this year.我的租约今年九月三十日到期。Baseball season overlaps football season in September.棒球赛季和橄榄球赛季都在九月The U.S. government fiscal year legally ends on September 30.美国政府会计年度法定为九月三十日结束。Each September, pickers gather the grapes by hand.每年九月,采摘者们手工采摘葡萄。Baseball season overlaps with football season in September.九月既是棒球赛季也是橄榄球赛季。The fiscal year begins in October and ends in September.财政年度从十月开始,到第二年九月结束。Her birthday is on the fifth of September.她的生日是九月五号。The school year runs from September to June. 学年九月开始,六月结束。Molly looked pensively out at the soft September day.莫莉心事重重地看着窗外和煦的九月天。By September, the new motors were in production.九月的时候,新发动机正在生产中。The examination results will be announced in September.考试成绩将于九月公布。The meeting will be on September 6th.这次会议定于九月六日举行。Mr Lucas reassembled his team in September.卢卡斯先生于九月重组了团队。I haven't heard from him since last September.自去年九月起我就没有听到他的消息了。The university's academic calendar runs from September to May.这所大学的校历是从九月至五月。Labor Day is always the first Monday of September.劳工节一直是九月的第一个礼拜一。A half-year suspension would rub him out until September.他被禁赛半年,要到九月才能参赛。




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