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I can discount ten per cent for you.我可以给你打九折。You can get ten per cent off with a student card.凭学生证你可以打九折。There is a discount of 10% off selected items in this store.在这家店里,部分商品九折销售。We were given a 10 percent discount off the list price.给我们在标价基础上打了九折。That item is out of stock, but we'll give you a voucher for 10 percent off any other item in the store.那种商品已售罄,但我们会给你一张优惠券,购买店里的其他任何商品可享受九折优惠。If you buy more than ten, they knock 10% off.如果你买十个以上,他们打九折。We give a special discount of 10 per cent for cash.如用现金购买,我们给予九折优待。 |