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词汇 口感
例句 The liquor tastes surprisingly sweet and smooth.这种酒口感出奇地甘甜润滑。These cookies seem to recapture all the textures and flavors we remember from childhood.这些饼干似乎重新唤回了我们记忆中童年时代的那种口感和味道。The sauce has a smooth, creamy texture.这种酱汁口感香醇稠滑。It's a pungent little wine with a velvety texture.这种小酒味冲,口感如天鹅绒般柔和。Next I added some flour to the sauce for texture. 接下来,我往酱汁里加些面粉以增加口感Sponge cakes have a light texture.海绵蛋糕口感松软。It was a savoury cake with a texture similar to that of carrot cake.这是一种口感类似胡萝卜蛋糕的美味蛋糕。Do you prefer creamy or crunchy peanut butter?花生酱你喜欢口感细腻的还是松脆的?She enjoyed the rich texture of the beer.她喜欢这种啤酒醇厚的口感The first stages of weaning accustom the baby to the taste and texture of food.断奶的初期阶段要让婴儿适应食物的味道和口感Anton the chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus.厨师安东用龙虾和芦笋搭配,制作出了一道口感很好的菜肴。This soup has a lovely creamy texture.这汤喝起来有奶油的口感,挺不错的。The wine has great depth of flavor.这种酒口感醇厚。The chef concocts a sensual coupling of lobster and asparagus.厨师用龙虾和芦笋搭配制作的菜肴口感很好。Young haricot beans have a tender texture and a delicate, subtle flavour.嫩菜豆口感细腻,味道清香、淡雅。For a special taste sensation, try our gourmet coffee.要享受特别的口感,就品尝一下我们的极品咖啡吧。The chili peppers give the sauce a little extra zing.辣椒使这种调味汁多了一点刺激的口感The custard should be smooth and creamy in texture.蛋奶沙司在口感上应该丝滑细腻。The wine has a medium-bodied, supple flavour.该葡萄酒味道不浓不淡,口感醇滑。Good Burgundy has an earthiness and complexity of flavour.好的勃艮第葡萄酒有一种泥土的芳香和丰富的口感The bread's texture makes it a natural for eating with stew.这种口感的面包非常适合和炖菜一起吃。This wine is medium-bodied, silky, and intriguingly complex.这种葡萄酒是中度酒体,口感柔滑,有复杂难解的谜人韵味。Traditional cheesemaking skills give our brie its soft, supple, creamy texture.用传统干酪制作技术制成的布里干酪柔软,不易裂开,而且口感细滑。As the wine ages, it loses its bitter harshness, becoming softer and smoother.在陈酿过程中,葡萄酒的涩口苦味会渐渐淡去,口感变得更加醇和顺滑。Its texture is not unlike that of oatmeal.它的口感与燕麦相似。The humble soya bean is a highly nutritious legume with a nutty texture.平凡常见的大豆是一种营养价值高、有坚果口感的豆类植物。The mushrooms have a meaty texture.这种蘑菇有肉的口感The great advantage of home-grown oranges is their magnificent flavour.家产柑橘的一大好处是口感极佳。It is the pressure which releases the coffee oils; these emulsify and give the coffee its rich, velvety texture.压力将咖啡的油脂挤出,这些油脂经乳化带给咖啡一种浓郁、柔滑的口感Most people found the drink's taste to be highly acceptable.多数人认为这种饮料的口感很好。




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