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词汇 先驱
例句 Orville and Wilbur Wright were aviation trailblazers.奥维尔‧莱特和威尔伯‧莱特是航空领域的先驱What they lacked in speed those pioneer pilots made up for by flying only a few feet above the ground.那些飞行员先驱通过离地仅几英尺的低空飞行,弥补了飞行速度的不足。He was a pioneer of photography.他是摄影术的先驱She calls Lapidus' work a precursor to today's postmodern movement.她把拉皮德斯的作品称作如今后现代运动的先驱样本。John Whitney was a pioneer of computer animation.约翰·惠特尼是计算机动画的先驱She was in the vanguard of the feminist movement in the early seventies.她是上世纪七十年代初女权运动的先驱Motorola is one of the leaders in the global technology boom.摩托罗拉公司是全球性技术繁荣的先驱之一。He became a reporter for the Herald Tribune.他成为《先驱论坛报》的记者。They are the most notable pioneers.他们是最有名的先驱They were pioneers in the field of American medicine.他们是美国医药界的先驱He was a genius, a pioneer who moved from one new field to the next.他是一位天才,一位开辟一个又一个崭新领域的先驱Henry Ford was a pioneer in the auto industry.亨利‧福特是汽车工业的先驱Rhythm and blues was a precursor of rock music.节奏布鲁斯音乐是摇滚乐的先驱The Wright brothers pioneered in early aviation.莱特兄弟是早期航空的先驱He claims as his literary ancestors such giants as Henry James and William Faulkner.他将亨利・詹姆斯和威廉・福克纳等文学巨匠称作自己的先驱Schoenberg was a progenitor of modern music.勋伯格是一位现代音乐的先驱




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