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词汇 other people
例句 I have tried to give some idea of how I feel — other people will no doubt draw their own conclusions.我试着说了一些我的感受,其他人无疑会有他们自己的结论。I've been taking care of other people for too long. It's time for me to take care of number one.我照顾别人太久了,到了该考虑自己的时候了。It must be said that the defence minister is a little bit more dovish than other people in the ruling elite.需要指出的是国防大臣比上层统治集团中其他成员都要温和。They replace their cars the way other people replace shoes.他们换起新车来就跟别人换双新鞋似的。It's safer when there are other people around you.有其他人在你身边会更加安全。She withdrew from other people as she grew older.上了年纪后她不太与人交往。If you jump the queue other people will not be pleased.如果你插队,其他人不会高兴的。I've always thought that my problems were very minor in proportion to those of many other people.我一直认为,与其他许多人相比,我的问题很小。I don't want to spend my life stooging for other people.我不愿终身充当别人的下手。She is unable to communicate her ideas to other people.她无法把自己的想法传达给其他人。She felt unburdened by the expectations of other people.她并没有因其他人的期望而感到有压力。The problem lies not with other people but within yourself. 问题出在你自己身上,不是别人造成的。You shouldn't force your ideas on other people.你不该把自己的观点强加于人。I've always understood one should try and be considerate of other people.我一直认为一个人应该尽量为他人着想。She enjoys putting me down in front of other people.她喜欢在别人面前奚落我。Trying to make your partner jealous by flirting with other people can easily backfire on you.跟别人调情以引起你配偶的嫉妒,这么做很容易弄巧成拙。He had gatecrashed but he was with other people we knew and there was no problem.他不请自来,但他是跟我们认识的人同行,因此也没有什么关系。He's the sort of person who enjoys making other people look small.他是那种喜欢让别人显得渺小的人。She is continually abusing her position/authority by getting other people to do things for her.她不断滥用职权/权力,让别人替她做事。She enjoys doing other people down.她以骗人而自娱。Don't cut in when other people are talking.别人在讲话时不要插嘴。She noted with some justification that other people had experienced similar problems. 她指出其他人也经有过类似的问题,这也不无道理。You should try to be more tolerant towards other people.你应该尝试待人更宽容一些。That's why you're so anti other people smoking.那就是为什么你如此反对别人吸烟。She's so selfish in her attitude to other people.她在待人态度上非常自私。I've never considered my disability a hindrance, but other people have.我从来没有把自己的残疾看成是一种障碍,可其他人不这么想。It mattered a great deal to her what other people thought of her.别人怎么看她对她来说非常重要。He is always quick to criticize other people, but he gets angry if anyone criticizes him.他动不动就批评别人,可自己一挨批评就生气。If you're sick you should stay home to avoid infecting other people in the office.你如果生病了,就应待在家里,以免传染给办公室的其他人。She did poorly on the test, but, to be fair, so did a lot of other people.她考得不好,但公道地讲,还有很多其他人也考得不好。She's always been interested in other people.她一直对别人很感兴趣。A lot of the people at the charity event were only there to look at other people.许多去参加那个慈善活动的人只是为了去看在场的其他人。I see my role as that of a facilitator, enabling other people to work in the way that suits them best.我认为我的角色是引导他人以最适合他们的方式工作。I have to share my workstation with two other people in the office.我必须与办公室另两位同事合用电脑。Be careful not to infringe upon the rights of other people.注意别去侵犯他人的权益。He tried to impose his beliefs on other people.他试图把自己的信仰强加于人。Motioning aside the other people in the room, the doctor signalled to me to come forward.医生用手示意屋内的其他人退到一边,并向我打手势要我走向前。It was just vandalism for the hell of it, not even thinking about how it would affect other people.这只是为了好玩就破坏公物,丝毫没有考虑会对其他人造成怎样的影响。He's one of those guys who seem to get off on making other people feel guilty.他就是这样一个人,似乎让别人感到内疚才能获得快乐。Are there any other people we should ask?另外还有我们应该问的人吗?




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