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词汇 other half
例句 I was worried that my career, my children and my other half might become too much to cope with.我担心我的事业、我的孩子们和我的那口子可能会让我应付不过来。The other half of the money will be provided by the government.另一半的钱将由政府提供。Half of our stock is for use, the other half for store.我们的存货一半供使用,另一半供储备。Half of his money is invested in bonds and the other half in equities.他的钱一半投资债券,另一半投资股票。Half of the researchers have first degrees, the other half have PhDs.这些研究人员一半人拥有学士学位,一半人拥有博士学位。They decided to hedge their bets by putting half their money in stocks and the other half in bonds.他们决定两面下注,一半钱投资股票,另一半钱投资债券。You'll have to ask my other half.你得问问我家那口子。They won a million dollars and, for a few years, got to see how the other half lives. 他们赢了一百万美元,于是亲身体验了几年富人的生活。I don't believe we have anything planned for that night, but let me check with my other half.我想那天晚上我们没什么安排,不过还是让我和我爱人确认一下。Half the patients were given the medication and the other half received a sugar pill.一半的病人给予药物,另一半则给予安慰剂。Would anyone like the other half of my pizza?我的比萨饼的另一半有人要吗?Do you want the other half of my bagel?你还想要我剩下的那半个面包圈吗?He kept the other half of the cake for himself.他把另一半蛋糕留给了自己。Bring your other half next time you come.下次来的时候把你的那一位也带来吧。Half of PML's scientists have first degrees, the other half have PhDs.普利茅斯海洋研究所的科学家一半有学士学位,另一半则有博士学位。




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