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例句 In the future, Mr. Fernandes says, he won't rely on others to handle this.费尔南德斯先生说,今后他不会再依赖别人处理这种事。He shot some angry words at me when the others left the room.别人都离开房间后,他气得骂了我一顿。I delegate all minor tasks to others.我把次要的工作都交给别人处理。Those trousers don't look any different from the others.那条裤子看起来和其他裤子没什么两样。He correctly calculated that the others would not dare fight back.他正确地估计到其他人不敢反击。When I proposed that in future we should hold our meetings in the bar, the others agreed wholeheartedly.我提议今后在酒吧开会,其他人都非常同意。The concert was a bit of a curate's egg: good in some parts, bad in others.那场音乐会瑕瑜互见:有些部分很精彩,有些则很差劲。The tall building towers above all the others.这高楼高出其他所有的建筑。He has a charming, friendly nature with others.他性情随和,讨人喜欢。Some were given the full treatment, while others were ignored.有些人得到了礼遇,而其他人却被忽视了。He was good with his hands and could unravel a knot or untangle yarn that others wouldn't even attempt.他的手很灵巧,其他人甚至都不敢尝试的一些难解的绳结或缠在一起的纱线,他都能解开。All citizens have a duty to act responsibly and show respect to others.所有公民都有为自己的行为负责和尊重别人的责任。Tolerance consists in respecting the opinions of others.宽容在于尊重别人的意见。Sam wanted to feel that others, no matter who they were, agreed with him.萨姆想有这样的感觉:别人,不管他们是谁,都顺着他。Some of us are sensitive to smells, others remember colours more easily.我们有些人对气味敏感,而另一些人则很容易记住颜色。Some criminals are more deserving of their punishment than others.一些罪犯比起别的罪犯更应该受到惩罚。Some beer has more froth than others.有些啤酒的泡沫比别的啤酒多。Certain patients must be isolated from the others in a separate ward.某些患者必须与其他病人隔离,住单独病房。He never imposes his own view on others.他从不把自己的观点强加于人。Some colleges have stiffer entry requirements than others.有些大学比其他大学有更严格的入学资格要求。Environmental pressures encourage genes with certain mutations to persist and others to die out.环境的影响使发生了某些突变的基因存活下来,另一些则消亡了。He and the others withdrew to their rented rooms.他和其他人回到了他们租住的房间。Some mushrooms are edible while others, which look almost identical, contain deadly poisons.有些蘑菇可以食用,而另一些虽然看上去几乎一模一样,却含有致命的毒素。You are the man of all others for the work.你在所有的人当中最适合担任此项工作。Even in a highly skilled workforce some people will be more capable and thus better paid than others.就算是在技术高度熟练的劳动者中,也会有人能力更强,因此,薪水也就更高。He shot dead three people and wounded several others.他开枪打死三人,伤数人。He looks to others to structure time for him.他老是指望别人来替他安排时间。If the others ever found out he'd squealed on them, they'd kill him.如果其他人发现他告发了他们,就会杀了他。Some performers are a dream to work with; others are not.有些演员合作起来很理想,但有些却不行。Some people often smear others.有些人常常诽谤别人。People who are very overweight tend to be more unhealthy than others.很肥胖的人一般都不如其他人健康。Don't take any notice of others' comments.不要理会别人的议论。He always exerts himself to help others.他总是尽力帮助别人。Scientists, business people, and sundry others gathered on Monday for the official opening.星期一的正式开幕式上,科学家、商界人士和其他各色人等齐聚一堂。The manager's job is mainly to direct the activities of others.这位经理的工作主要是管理其他人的活动。She may disconnect herself from others and suffer the tortures of loneliness.她也许会离群索居,独自忍受孤独的折磨。The others had often been skiing before and made her feel like a rank amateur.其他人以前都经常滑雪,这使得她感觉自己像个不折不扣的生手。He demonstrated genuine concern for others.他真心实意地关心他人。No one knows why the gunman shot some people and spared others.没人知道为何持枪歹徒射杀一些人而放过了另一些人。The guests included, among others, Elizabeth Taylor and Michael Jackson.客人中包括伊丽莎白·泰勒和迈克尔·杰克逊。




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