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词汇 Otherwise
例句 If you love him, ask him to stay. Otherwise you'll be cutting off your nose to spite your face.如果你爱他,就叫他别走,否则你是自讨苦吃。Finish your dinner. Otherwise , you won't get any dessert.把饭吃完。否则的话,你不能吃点心。I could hear the distant noise of traffic. Otherwise all was still.我能听见远处车辆的隆隆声,除此之外,一切都很安静。Everyone needs new challenges. Otherwise you just stagnate.人人都需要新的挑战,否则就会停滞不前。Otherwise quick on the uptake, he is a bit dim about the digs she makes at him.对她的揶揄,他往往不太领会,尽管在其他方面他的理解力很强。I hope the weather improves. Otherwise, we'll have to cancel the picnic.我希望天气会好起来。否则,我们就得取消野餐了。I'm glad you told me about the show being cancelled. Otherwise I'd have travelled all the way to Glasgow for nothing.你告诉我演出取消了,我很高兴。不然的话,我就会白白到格拉斯哥去跑一趟。Of course they're interested. Otherwise they wouldn't be asking about prices.他们当然感兴趣。要不然他们就不会询问价格了。We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time.我们在机场耽搁了,否则午饭前就可以到这里了。If I like you, I will let you get to know me. Otherwise, I prefer to remain an enigma.如果我喜欢你,我会让你渐渐了解我。否则,我更想保持神秘。Conditions should be laid down. Otherwise it's all talk.应该先定下条件,否则全是空谈。One of the boys has a freckle on his cheek. Otherwise, the twins are nearly identical.其中一个男孩脸上有个雀斑。除此之外,这对双胞胎几乎长得一模一样。Otherwise, they would not feel compelled to make ex gratia payments to customers they have wronged.否则他们是不会感觉必须对被冤枉的顾客提供补偿的。It's a good thing that the referee stopped the fight. Otherwise he would have pummelled his opponent.幸好裁判阻止了这场比赛,不然的话,他会把对手狠狠的击溃。




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