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例句 All of the books had been burned or otherwise destroyed.所有的书籍都被烧毁,或者遭到其他形式的破坏。We must get on; otherwise we'll never finish in time.我们得抓紧继续做,否则就不可能及时完成了。You must be confident, otherwise the interviewers will just eat you alive.你必须充满自信,否则会被面试者问得说不出话来。The writer has spoiled an otherwise good story by straining after the effect.由于作者竭力追求效果,把本来可以是很好的一篇小说给弄糟了。 She looked pale, but otherwise healthy.她脸色苍白,但除此之外身体状况不错。Protestors were executed, jailed or otherwise persecuted.抗议者被处决、监禁或受到其他方式的迫害。Sarah believed Tony was innocent. Indeed she had never thought otherwise.萨拉相信托尼是无辜的。确实,她从来都是这么认为的。Her acting mars an otherwise great movie.她的表演毁了一部其实很好的电影。It can't have been anything important, otherwise she'd have called back.不会是要紧事,否则她会再打电话来。The women talked in the living room while the men were otherwise occupied.女人们在客厅里聊天,男人们则忙着别的什么。I defy anyone to prove otherwise.我倒要看看谁能提出相反的证据。Live interviews add zest and interest to otherwise dull research.现场采访会为原本沉闷的调查增添趣味和吸引力。The company has been having problems, financial and otherwise , for several years.好些年来,这家公司一直在财务以及其他方面存在问题。Psychoanalysts say his case was an extreme paranoia, otherwise he would not have killed people at random.心理分析师说他的病例是一种极端的偏执狂,要不然他也不会随机杀人了。He claimed the government had entrapped him into doing something that he would not have done otherwise.他声称政府诱使他做了他本不会做的事。He must be fairly intelligent, otherwise he wouldn't have got into university.他一定很聪明,要不然他就进不了大学了。She had had just one adventure in her otherwise unremarkable life.她有过唯一一次不寻常的经历,使她原本平凡的生活变得不平凡起来。This is the one blemish on an otherwise resounding success.如果没有这个小小的失误,这就是一次彻底的胜利。In spite of his otherwise excellent vision, he found he was colour-blind.尽管他视力很好,他却发现自己是个色盲。The media enjoy a good ding-dong battle. They couldn't sell newspapers otherwise.媒体喜欢展开激烈的唇枪舌剑,不然他们的报纸就卖不出去。I'm afraid I'll have to disoblige you. I am otherwise occupied that day.我想我不得不拂你的意愿,因为那天我另外有事。The monarchy remains British, it cannot be otherwise.这一君主政体仍是英国式的,也不可能不是这样。Their arrival livened up an otherwise dull afternoon.他们的到来使得原本沉闷的午后变得愉快起来。He was tired but otherwise in good health.他很疲倦,但除此之外身体很健康。Don't start giving me problems otherwise I'll have to be very unpleasant indeed.不要开始给我找麻烦,否则我就不客气了。The lawyers demanded retraction of testimonies from these women, otherwise a lawsuit will follow.律师要求这些女性撤回她们的证词,否则就要提告。The airline industry's troubles are a mere hiccup in an otherwise upward growth trend.航空业的困难只是个小问题,在其他方面它呈增长趋势。BBC Television remains otherwise substantially unchanged.而英国广播公司的电视节目在其他方面基本没有变化。IT managers need people skills otherwise known as leadership skills.信息技术经理需要社交能力,即领导才能。I'll have to win more than once, otherwise people will think it was a fluke.我必须赢一次以上,否则人家会以为我只是侥幸。All residences provide accommodation for both man and women, unless otherwise specified.所有寓所男性和女性均可入住,除非另有说明。The driver suffered shock but was otherwise unhurt.司机除了受到惊吓外并未受伤。She wears makeup for special occasions, but otherwise prefers an au naturel look.她在重要场合时才化妆,平时喜欢素颜。I'm afraid I will be otherwise engaged that day.那天我恐怕要忙别的事情。When referees make contentious decisions players are going to be upset, and anyone who thinks otherwise is living in cloud cuckoo land.裁判作出有争议的判决时运动员心里会很不痛快,谁要是不这么认为那简直是太不现实了。I didn't like the ending, but otherwise it was a very good book.我不喜欢那个结局,但除此以外,那本书还是很不错的。The situation was very serious indeed, even if the government tried to pretend otherwise.形势确实已很严峻,尽管政府试图装作情况并非如此。Patients are advised to turn up for appointments on Monday unless they are told otherwise.已告知病人按预约时间周一前来就诊,除非另有通知。Franklin told Howe to hurry up and take his bath; otherwise, they'd miss their train.富兰克林告诉豪赶快去洗澡;否则他们会赶不上火车。I'd better write this down, otherwise I'll forget it.我最好把它写下来,否则就忘了。




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