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词汇 unattractive
例句 These people have no option but to take low-paid unattractive work.这些人除了接受低薪乏味的工作外,别无选择。Manufacturing industry has been unattractive to investors.制造业对投资者已经没有吸引力了。When I was pregnant with Mandy, I felt fat and unattractive.我怀曼迪时,觉得自己又胖又丑。The town is surrounded by large, unattractive housing estates that nobody wants to live in.这个小镇四周都是不入眼的大型住宅区,没有人想住在里面。This is modern architecture at its most unattractive.这是现代建筑最丑陋之处。These jobs are unattractive because of low pay and inadequate training.这些工作没有吸引力,因为报酬低,培训机会也不多。He had rather unattractive, stubby fingers.他的手指短粗短粗的,相当难看。She was crazy about Carl, and couldn't understand why we found him unattractive.她对卡尔很着迷,所以不能理解我们为什么觉得他没有吸引力。Like many teenage girls, she was worried that she was unattractive.和许多十几岁的女孩子一样,她也担心自己没有魅力。He was short and overweight and generally unattractive.他又矮又胖,整个人看上去很难看。It is not an unattractive option to make programmes for other companies.为其他公司制作节目也不失为一个不错的选择。Wearing an unattractive blouse and old-fashioned skirt, Lisa looked older than she was.莉萨穿了一件难看的衬衫和一条过时的裙子,看上去比实际年龄要大。The market is still unattractive to many insurers.市场对许多保险公司依然没有吸引力。The general was an unattractive man to all but his most ardent admirers.除了他那些铁杆崇拜者外,这位将军对于其他人并无吸引力。He's an unattractive man with long greasy hair and pasty skin.他没什么吸引力,头发长而油腻,肤色苍白。Hard, crispy hair is downright unattractive.又硬又卷的头发一点都不好看。




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