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词汇 switched
例句 My mother switched her interest to my health.我母亲转而关注起我的健康来。I switched on the radio to listen to the news.我打开收音机听新闻。We switched over from electricity to gas because it was cheaper.我们从用电改成了用煤气,因为煤气较便宜。The heating has switched off.暖气设备关掉了。Have you checked that the power is switched on?你检查过电源是开着吗?He switched the control to the answer-play mode and waited for the tape to rewind.他把控制键转换到回答-播放模式,然后等待倒带。The workforce have recently been calling for their working hours to be reduced. Many companies have accordingly switched to a five-day week.工人们最近一直在呼吁缩短工作时间。许多公司于是转成了一周五天工作制。She braked to a halt and switched off.她刹车停下,然后将车熄火。She emptied both their mugs and switched on the electric kettle.她把他们俩的大杯子倒空,烧上了热水壶。When the topic turned to the stock market, he switched off. 当话题转到股市时,他便失去了兴趣。He switched off mains electricity and got Tim to pedal a generator instead.他切断主电源,让蒂姆用脚踏发电机发电。He's a professional man who started out in law, but switched over to medicine.他最初专攻法律,但是后来转而从医。My mind suddenly switched back to my conversation with Jeremy.我的思绪突然回到了与杰里米的谈话上。We switched on the stereo to kill the droning sounds of the engine.我们打开了音响,想压住发动机嗡嗡的轰鸣声。The printer's switched on but it won't print.打印机开着,但是无法打印。The workforce have been calling for their working hours to be reduced. Many companies have accordingly switched to a five-day week.劳动者一直在呼吁减少劳动时间,于是很多公司已经改为一周五天工作制。He switched off the car's engine and waited.他关掉汽车的发动机等了起来。We switched to another car, and the transfer only took a few minutes.我们换到另一辆车上,转移过程只用了几分钟。He switched off the lamp and burrowed down beneath the bedclothes.他关掉灯,钻到被窝里。Always check that the electricity is switched off before you start.每次开始之前都要确定电源已经切断。He switched on his torch, and a beam of light lit up the corner of the room.他打开手电,一束光线将房间角落照亮。Internally, however, the two computers are so different that programs cannot be switched from one to the other.但是,这两台计算机内部配置迥异,以至于程序不能从其中一台转到另一台里面。We switched partners.我们互换了搭档。My mother's interest had switched to my health.母亲转而关注起我的健康来。He switched easily and fluently from speaking English to French to German.他在英、法、德三种语言中转换自如,而且都说得很流利。I switched over to speakerphone.我切换到了电话免提。We switched lanes and accelerated towards the junction.我们转换车道,加速驶向交叉路口。I am very impressed with Brian Hanlon, who seems a switched-on sort of guy.我对布赖恩·汉隆非常钦佩,他似乎是个紧跟音乐潮流的家伙。He switched on the television, flicking through the channels in a search for something to hold his interest.他打开电视机,不停地换台,想找个感兴趣的节目。The computer takes a few seconds to power up after it's been switched on.计算机开机后需要几秒钟的启动时间。She switched on the bedside lamp.她打开了床头灯。His mother continued to talk angrily, and Tim's thoughts automatically switched to more pleasant subjects.蒂姆的母亲继续气愤地说着,而蒂姆的思绪已不自觉地飞向更为愉快的方面去了。She tucked Emily up in bed and switched off the light.她安顿艾米丽睡好,随后关了灯。Ella drew the curtains and switched the light on.埃拉拉上窗帘,打开了灯。Glass parked the car and switched the engine off.格拉斯停好车,熄了火。The President switched from set speeches to a question-and-answer format.总统从事先准备好讲稿的演说转向一问一答的形式。The system can be switched to emergency power should the need arise.需要时该系统可以启用紧急供电。The microphones had been switched off.这些麦克风已关掉。When the machine was switched on it blew a fuse.启动机器时保险丝烧断了。He sat down at the desk and switched on the computer.他坐到书桌前,打开了计算机。




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