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词汇 sorting
例句 She started sorting through the papers.她开始整理报纸。He began working on his salesman samples, sorting out broken packages and returns.他开始整理他那些推销货样,把包装破损的和退回来的拣出来。Minnie was sorting through her mail when Ellen arrived.埃伦到达时,米尼正在整理自己的邮件。Armies of rescue workers are sorting through the rubble.救援队伍正在碎石堆中搜索。Childhood problems and anxieties have a habit of sorting themselves out.儿童期的一些问题和焦虑症状一般都会自己好起来。Thanks for sorting out an apartment for Tony in my building.感谢你在我的住宅楼里帮托尼整理出一套房间。Such a large sorting operation can take up a lot of computer time.如此庞杂的排序操作会占用很多计算机时间。The crucial skill you need to develop is sorting out the parents.你需要培养的关键技能就是让那些家长认错。John was landed with the job of sorting Susan's files when she left.推给约翰的苦差事是整理苏珊走时留下的文件。She was busily sorting through her clothes.她正忙着整理衣服。She was sorting through the flotsam and jetsam that had accumulated on her desk.她在整理堆在书桌上的杂物。Most of the job involves sorting out customers who have queries.这项工作的主要内容是处理好顾客们提出的问题。I spent the weekend sorting out my tax affairs.我花了整个周末处理我的税务问题。Davina was sorting out scraps of material.达维娜正在整理零碎的材料。Don't mind me - I'm just sorting out some files here.不用管我——我只是在这儿整理些文件。I spent the morning sorting and bagging old clothes.我花了一上午整理旧衣服并把它们装进袋里。The packing shed is used for packing and sorting apples for shipment.包装库房用来将苹果打包、分类,以备装运。She has a genius for sorting things out.她非常擅长处理问题。We eventually began the laborious task of sorting through his papers.我们最终开始了整理他的文件这一费力的工作。I was in the middle of sorting some papers when the phone rang.我正在整理一些文件,电话铃响了。The Post Office has confirmed that up to a thousand jobs could be lost in sorting offices.邮政已经确认邮件分拣处可能会裁掉一千个岗位。I've been sorting out my study all day, but it's such a mess I don't feel I'm getting anywhere.我一整天都在整理书房,但是里面太乱了,我觉得忙来忙去还是没什么成效。




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