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词汇 fastball
例句 The pitcher jammed him with an inside fastball.投手向他投了一个内角快球。The pitcher threw a hard fastball.投手用力投出了一个快速球。The pitcher put some extra zip on his fastball.那名投手把快球投得更快了。The next pitch was a fastball on the inside.下一个投球是内角快球。His third pitch was a fastball down the middle of the plate.他的第三投是个快球,沿投手板中间飞过。Martinez had good velocity on his fastball.马丁内斯的快球速度极快。He delivered a fastball right over the plate.他投出一记正好越过本垒板的快球。He struck him out with a fastball.他用一记快球使击球手三击未中出局。The next pitch was a fastball on the outside.紧接着的一次投掷是一记偏外快球。The pitcher blew a fastball by/past the batter.投手投了个快球,从击球手身边擦过。The pitcher threw a fastball.投手挥动手臂,投出一个快球。His bread-and-butter pitch has always been his fastball.一直以来,他的制胜投球就是快球。The pitcher showed pinpoint control of his fastball.投手表现出对快球的精确掌控力。He throws a wicked fastball.他投出一个精彩的快球。He took a hack at a high fastball and popped it up.他对准高快球挥棒一击,击出个小腾空球。




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