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词汇 fasten
例句 These supports fasten to eye-bolts in the stanchions.这些支架被连接到支柱的活节螺栓上。He bent down to fasten up his shoelaces.他弯下腰去把鞋带系牢。I can't get the back gate to fasten.我无法把后门闩好。The little boy has learnt to fasten shoelaces.这小男孩已学会系鞋带了。Elasticated at the back, they fasten with buttons at the front.由于背面有松紧带,衣服是用纽扣从正面扣上的。Storm and ice could fasten you in here overnight.暴风雪和结冰可能把你整夜都困在这儿。The lock was so damaged it wouldn't fasten.锁坏了,所以锁不上。Passengers are requested to fasten their safety belts.乘客被要求系上安全带。To keep the helmet in position, fasten the strap beneath the chin.将带子在颏下系紧以固定好头盔。Can you fasten the clasp on this bracelet for me?你能帮我把手链的扣环系上吗?It was wrong of you to fasten the blame on him.你把过错推到他头上是不对的。I was so fat that my skirt wouldn't fasten.我胖得连裙子都扣不上了。Between us, we managed to fasten the tarpaulin down.我们合力将防水帆布罩扎牢。It's a gross oversimplification to fasten on to the red deer as a threat to the environment.仅关注马鹿威胁环境的一面过于片面了。Builders must fasten down roofs of newly-built homes more securely.建造工人必须把新建房屋的屋顶固定得更牢靠些。The straps fasten with Velcro.背带是用尼龙搭扣扣紧的。Could you help me fasten this strap around my suitcase?你能帮我用这条带子把手提箱系紧吗?Can you fasten him down to a date?你能使他确定一个日期吗?Ted knows how to fasten and unfasten his seat belt.特德知道怎样系上和解开安全带。The harder he tried to fasten his mind on his book,the more his ideas wandered.他越是想全神贯注地看书,思想越是集中不起来。Bring the two edges together and fasten them securely.把这两条边合在一起,然后固定牢固。When Ted was six we decided that he needed to know how to fasten and unfasten his seat belt.特德六岁的时候,我们认为他得知道如何系上和解开安全带了。Stephanie stepped into her jeans and began to fasten the buttons.斯蒂芬妮穿上牛仔裤,开始扣纽扣。The flight attendant told the passengers to fasten their lap belts.飞机乘务员要乘客们系好安全带。Please return your seat to an upright position and fasten your belt.请把坐椅恢复到竖直位置并系好安全带。There were no instructions on how to fasten the carrying strap to the box.没有如何将背带系在盒子上的说明。Velcro has tiny hooks which fasten on to equally tiny loops and hairs in fabric.尼龙搭扣带有小钩子,能固定在搭扣上同样小的圈环和毛状纤维上。Divers fasten weights around their waists to help them stay under water.潜水员把重物系在腰上使自己沉在水下。It's getting cold out, so fasten up your coat.外面天变冷了,扣好大衣吧。Be sure to fasten your seatbelt.务必系好安全带。Their long claws allow them to fasten onto the rocks and hold firm.它们可以凭借长长的爪子牢牢抓住岩石。




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