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词汇 fast
例句 Being paper money, it rotted away mighty fast.由于是纸币,所以烂得很快。This machine has two settings, fast and slow.这台机器的速度有快慢两挡。He started a fast food chain.他开创了一家速食连锁店。He was drinking his double whiskey too fast and scowling.他猛灌着双份威士忌,脸色阴沉。You shouldn't go so fast on that motorcycle, you'll have an accident!你不应该把摩托车开得那么快,会出事故的!The old king was sinking fast, and drinking faster.老国王的身体急剧恶化,酗酒更凶了。There is a feeling of power that comes from driving fast.开快车会让人觉得自己有一种主宰之力。It's difficult to construct a narrative out of a series of fast-moving events.很难把纷繁更迭的众多事件构建成一个故事。We can only try to hold fast to the age-old values of honesty, decency and concern for others.我们只能努力坚守那些古老的价值观:诚实、正派、关心他人。Barnes also knows that he is fast running out of time.巴恩斯也知道他的时间很快就要用完了。I was craving french fries, so I pulled into the nearest fast-food restaurant.我很想吃炸薯条,所以我在最近的一家快餐店把车停了下来。She has a sane attitude towards diving and never goes too fast.她对于跳水的态度很明智,从不操之过急。Jennifer's heart was beating fast.珍妮弗心跳得很快。That can't be the time – my watch must be fast.不可能是这个时间 — 我的表一定是快了。When I was young I used to like casinos, fast women, and god knows what.我年轻的时候曾经喜欢赌场、放荡女人,天知道还有什么。We shovelled food into our mouths as fast as we could.我们飞快地把食物塞进嘴里。The business has grown very fast.生意发展迅速。That clock's an hour fast.那个钟快了一个小时。He runs quite fast for a big man.以他这么大的块头跑得也真够快的了。How fast can you type?你打字能打多快?He led a fast life.他过著放荡的生活。He runs with a pretty fast crowd.他和一群放荡不羁的人混在一起。My watch is a few minutes fast.我的表快几分钟。It's fast and comfortable. It's economical, too.它又快又舒适,而且还省钱。His head would sag, and soon he would be fast asleep again.往往是他的头一垂,便又很快睡着了。She was fading fast from the effects of the pneumonia.受肺炎的影响,她变得日益虚弱。Seems like news travels pretty fast around here.这里似乎消息传播得很快。Darkness was falling fast.天很快黑了下来。You're driving much too fast.你开得太快了。He rushed downstairs dangerously fast.他以极危险的速度猛冲下楼。Be careful. Someone might try to pull a fast one on you.小心点儿,也许有人在骗你。If the vehicle is going too fast, a synthesized voice tells the driver to slow down.如果车速过快,合成声音会告诉驾驶员减速。He had a partiality for fast cars.他偏爱开得快的汽车。The rebels are standing fast and refuse to be defeated.叛乱者拒不退让,坚持抵抗。The stresses caused by flying too fast could peel the wings from my sailplane.飞行过快而引起的应力会使机翼从我的滑翔机脱落。The new luxury hotel is fast becoming a byword for hospitality.这家新开业的豪华宾馆正在迅速成为殷勤好客的代名词。As you are new to the job, we don't expect you to work as fast as the others.你刚开始做这一工作,我们不指望你能做得和别人一样快。We're fast friends. = We're the best of friends.我们是最要好的朋友。They've more or less cornered the fast-food market - they're in every big city in the world.他们几乎垄断了快餐市场——世界各大城市都有他们的分店。The game was fast and furious.比赛过程起伏多变。




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