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词汇 fashions
例句 Men's fashions change more slowly than women's.男式服装流行款式的变化比女式服装要慢。He stayed at the top through all changes and fashions in pop music.在流行音乐的各种变化和各式潮流中他一直处于前沿。I've given up trying to keep up with the latest fashions.我已经不再追赶最新时尚。The emerging science of photography was already changing fashions in art.摄影学的兴起已改变艺术的潮流。Ankle boots are a must for anyone who wants to keep up with the latest fashions this autumn.若要赶上今秋的最新时尚,短靴是必不可少的。There's a double-page spread on the latest fashions.有一篇横贯两版的文章介绍最新的时尚。She's interested in all the latest fashions.她对最新的时装都感兴趣。She always wears the latest fashions.她总是穿最新潮的时装。These new fashions reveal too much.这些新款式衣服裸露得太过分了。She helped to introduce Americans to European fashions. = She helped to introduce European fashions to America.她使美国人初步了解了欧洲时尚。They create low-rent versions of current fashions.他们创造了当今廉价型流行服饰。He affected fashions slightly out of date.他爱穿稍微有些过时的衣服。The magazine includes a preview of the newest fall fashions.这本杂志对秋季的最新时尚做出了预测。I just can't relate to these new fashions.我就是没办法认同这些新的流行款式。The store windows were displaying the latest spring fashions.商店橱窗里陈列着最新的春季时装。They're modeling this year's new spring fashions.他们正穿着今年的新款春装进行展示。The fashions of that era are a monument to bad taste. 那个时代的时装就是品味差的一个绝好例证。The new summer fashions have arrived.夏季的最新流行款式到货了。We will be unveiling our latest fashions for the autumn.我们的最新款秋季时装即将亮相。We have ladies' fashions to suit all shapes, sizes and pockets.本店有各种样式、尺码和价位的时尚女装。New fashions took a long time to percolate down.新时尚要很长时间才能在大众中流行起来。Captain Butler knows all about the latest ladies' fashions in Paris.巴特勒船长对巴黎的最新女性时尚了如指掌。The store is rushing out imitations of top fashions.这家商店正在赶制顶级时装的仿制品。The palette for this season's fashions is full of pastels.本季时装主要用了清淡柔和的色调。I find it hard to keep up with changing fashions.我觉得很难跟上时尚变化的潮流。Vulgar fashions filled the store windows.商店橱窗内满是艳俗的时装。Light and sound are recorded in such different fashions.光和声就是按这样的不同方式记录下来的。Marks & Spencer will be unveiling its latest fashions for autumn and winter.玛莎百货的最新款秋冬季时装即将亮相。She's always up on the latest fashions.她对最新时尚总是了如指掌。He spends money on the latest fashions and other frivolities.他把钱花在了最新时装以及其他无聊的东西上。French boutiques sell the latest Parisian fashions.法国的精品服饰店出售最新款巴黎时装。She gowned herself in the latest Paris fashions.她穿巴黎最时新的长袍。The book traces how fashions have changed over the years.这本书追踪了这些年的时尚变化。Jewelry and clothing fashions vary with the season.珠宝首饰和服装的流行款式随季节而变化。All fashions of people make up the world.世界是由各色人等组成的。I hope the fashions pictured in this magazine are not the shape of things to come.我希望这本杂志上刊登的时装不是将来的流行款式。Literary fashions have changed in recent years.最近几年文学潮流有所变化。New fashions seem to come in and go out again much more quickly these days.如今新时尚的更替似乎快多了。People's lifestyles are usually fixed by generational habits and fashions.人们的生活方式通常取决于那一代的生活习惯和流行时尚。Most of these fashions just fade away and are forgotten.这些时尚大多逐渐消逝,然后被人遗忘。




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