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词汇 satellites
例句 The rocket launched two communications satellites.火箭发射了两颗通信卫星。On top of this is all the information from radars, satellites, radios and the monitoring of communications.另外,还有所有来自于雷达、卫星和无线电的信息,以及通信监测信息。American reconnaissance satellites provide images of the earth.美国侦察卫星提供地球影像资料。The device is not designed to transmit to satellites.该设备不是为向卫星发送信号而设计的。The military use radar satellites to track targets through clouds and at night.军队用雷达卫星透过云雾和夜幕追踪目标。The use of satellites represents a quantum jump for communications.卫星的使用标志着传播技术的一个飞跃发展。The Americans are preparing two new satellites for launch.美国人正准备发射两颗新卫星。Solar panels are used to power satellites.太阳能电池板用来给卫星供电。Television is increasingly being transmitted by satellites.越来越多的电视节目通过卫星进行转播。Weather satellites have observed a ring of volcanic ash girdling the earth.气象卫星已观测到一圈火山灰围绕着地球。The army uses satellites to help soldiers navigate unfamiliar terrain.军队利用卫星给士兵在不熟悉的地形上导航。Scientists have studied the moon through telescopes, and, latterly, from satellites.科学家通过望远镜研究月球,最近还使用了人造卫星。The Pentagon is searching for overhead imagery from satellites or spy planes.五角大楼正在搜寻卫星或间谍飞机拍摄的影像。The number of known satellites in the solar system rose to 32.太阳系里已知的卫星数量增加到三十二个。There are satellites that supply high-resolution photography.有些卫星能提供高分辨率的摄影。Most weather satellites are stationed over the Equator or travel over the poles.大部分气象卫星定位于赤道上空或绕地球两极飞行。We must encourage independent governments, not economic satellites.我们一定要支持独立的政府,而不是经济附庸国。Both satellites entered orbit but quickly malfunctioned.两颗卫星都进入了轨道,但很快就出了故障。The satellites orbit at different heights/altitudes.卫星在不同的高度上沿轨道运行。Communications satellites relay messages and signals from country to country.通信卫星在国与国之间转发消息和信号。The two countries signed an agreement to jointly launch satellites.两国曾签订了联合发射人造卫星的协议。Space satellites are ping-ponging video news from every point of the earth to every other point.航天卫星正在全世界范围内来回传送着电视新闻。More satellites are needed to provide telephone coverage in remote areas.需要更多的人造卫星覆盖边远地区的电话服务。The former Russian satellites now turn to the West for help.从前俄国的卫星国现在转向西方要求援助。Now space satellites are used to speed long distance calls.现在宇宙卫星被用来快速传送长途电话。Three thousand armed satellites escorted his steps.三千名武装随从紧跟其后。A new generation of satellites will carry particularly sensitive instruments.新一代卫星将携带特别灵敏的仪器。Yet bigger satellites will be sent up into orbit.更为大型的卫星将被送入轨道。Soviet rockets launched more satellites into orbit.苏联火箭发射了更多卫星进入轨道。Using satellites, television pictures can be seen on the other side of the globe almost instantly.通过人造卫星,世界另一边的人几乎立刻就能看到电视画面。




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