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词汇 ruling
例句 The court ruling is sure to raise some hackles. 法庭的判决肯定会引起一些人的不满。The new leaders expatriated the ruling family.新的领导人把统治家族驱逐出境。This ruling represents a victory for all women.这项裁定代表了所有女性的胜利。State officials said the court's ruling clears the way for proceedings to condemn buildings in the area.州政府官员称法庭判决为宣布该地区楼房为危房的行动扫清了道路。Goodwin tried to have the court ruling overturned.古德温想推翻法院作出的裁决。He was an influential member of the ruling elite.他是统治集团中的权势人物。The judge usually needs sufficient forensic evidence before he makes a ruling.法官在判案之前通常需要足够的调查证据。His lawyers argue that the ruling is illegal.他的律师们认为这一裁决是违法的。The judge stood firm in her ruling.这位法官坚持她的裁决。He was in disfavour with the ruling party.他受到了执政党的冷遇。The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party.现行的选举法仍然对执政党非常有利。The court ruling today upheld the legality of military tribunals.今天的法院判决支持军事法庭的合法性。The ruling class will not fall of itself.统治阶级不会自行退出历史舞台。Opponents have questioned the legitimacy of the ruling.反对派对政府统治的合法性提出了质疑。The ruling has been held in abeyance for a period of two years and it will likely be appealed.该裁决已经暂缓两年执行,可能会提出上诉。Leaders of the ruling party closed ranks behind the Government.执政党的领袖们紧密团结,支持政府。Most women said they thought the ruling was unfair and unacceptable.大多数女性认为这个裁决不公平,让人无法接受。That ruling had drawn sharp criticism from civil rights groups.那项判决已遭到了民权组织的严厉批评。The ruling banned the state-run news media from promoting political candidates.判决裁定禁止国营新闻媒体为政治候选人作宣传。She disputed the referee's ruling.她对裁判的裁决提出了异议。He married his three daughters to princes of the ruling house.他把三个女儿都嫁给了王室的王子。The results of this election show the electorate's disenchantment with the ruling party.这次选举的结果说明了选民对目前执政党的除魅。The drink and the drugs were ruling my life.酒和毒品支配着我的生活。The Communists are the ruling party at the moment.当前共产党是执政党。The judge issued his ruling with a grave expression.法官神情严肃地宣布了判决结果。Such a ruling could unleash a torrent of litigation.那样的裁决会引发大量诉讼。UK immigration procedures will have to be changed to bring them into line with the latest European ruling.英国的移民程序必须进行修改,以便和欧洲的最新规定保持一致。The Supreme Court's ruling should decide this matter once and for all.最高法院的裁决应该彻底解决这个问题。The judges made a unanimous ruling.法官们做出了一致的裁决。The Ukrainian politician poses the most potent threat to the country's ruling elite.这位乌克兰政治家对本国的上层统治者构成了最强有力的威胁。Lawyers said today's ruling would lead to higher prices and would suppress innovation of new products.律师们称今天的裁决将会抬升价格,并抑制新产品的创新。A serious split in the ruling coalition appeared soon after the election.选举后执政联盟很快就出现了严重分裂。The ruling authority stripped him of his boxing title after he was convicted of importing heroin.他被判犯有走私海洛因罪后,当局就剥夺了他的拳击冠军称号。Voters wish to register their dissatisfaction with the ruling party.选民希望表达他们对执政党的不满。All unions have been declared illegal by the ruling party.所有工会都被该执政党宣布为非法。This ruling was a surprise to everyone.这个规定出乎每个人的意料。The judge's ruling was based on a precedent established by an earlier decision.法官的裁决是基于一个早前确定的判例。The church's ruling body voted to ordain women as priests.该教会的管理机构决定女性可以按立为牧师。The ruling Socialist Party says the results are an endorsement of their policies.执政的社会党说这些结果是对自己政策的支持。The court's ruling sent shock waves throughout the nation.法庭的裁决在全国引发了轩然大波。




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