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词汇 rifles
例句 Marines with rifles guarded them.手持步枪的海军陆战队士兵监视着他们。All the soldiers carried rifles.所有的士兵都背着步枪。Congress passed a law banning the sale of automatic rifles.国会通过了一项法律,禁止销售步枪。The soldiers shouldered their rifles and marched away.士兵们扛着步枪列队离去。The soldiers shot back at invading planes with rifles.士兵们用步枪向入侵的飞机还击。Scarcely had they left before soldiers arrived armed with rifles.他们刚离开,扛着步枪的士兵们就到了。The soldiers lay on the highway with their automatic rifles beside them.士兵们趴在高速公路上,身边放着自动步枪。Some of the police were issued with rifles.有些警察配发了步枪。The soldiers were all armed with automatic rifles.士兵全都装备有自动步枪。The enemy opened up on us with automatic rifles.敌人开始用自动步枪向我们射击。They were dressed in camouflage and carried automatic rifles.他们身穿迷彩服,手持自动步枪。The local farmers have armed themselves with rifles and pistols.当地的农场主用步枪和手枪武装自己。They reloaded their rifles.他们给步枪重新装了子弹。I saw women patrolling the streets with rifles on their backs.我看到妇女背著枪在街上巡逻。There were reports of soldiers battering prisoners with their rifles.有报道说士兵们用步枪殴打囚犯。They practiced taking apart their rifles and putting them back together again.他们练习把步枪拆开然后又重新组装。The rifles lay behind the hill waiting for the order to fire.步枪队埋伏在小山后面,等待命令开火。Our rifles were much more powerful and we were able to pick the enemy off before they could even fire at us.我们的来复枪火力大多了,敌人还没来得及朝我们开枪,我们就把他们逐个击毙了。France has tight gun-control laws for handguns, but not for hunting rifles.法国针对手枪有严格的枪支管制法规,但并不限制猎枪。The soldiers cocked their rifles.士兵们扳起步枪扳机。The firing squad were already aiming their rifles and waiting for the order to shoot.行刑队已经举枪瞄准,听候命令准备射击了。They possess a formidable arsenal of rifles, machine guns, landmines and teargas.他们持有的步枪、机枪、地雷和催泪弹数量惊人。Grabbing at rifles, men boiled from the waggons.士兵们抓起步枪,从货车里蜂拥而出。




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