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词汇 plotting
例句 He is plotting a new novel.他正在为一部新小说构思情节。He's plotting a surprise party for his wife's birthday.他在偷偷为妻子的生日策划一个惊喜聚会。The girls had been plotting Antonia's party in great excitement.女孩子们已经在暗地里兴高采烈地筹划安东尼娅的聚会了。He was considered the plotting brain of the group.他被看成是这个集团中出谋献策的人。Officers were plotting the aircraft's exact position.官员们正在图上标出飞机的准确位置。Reports revealed that the government was plotting an invasion of neighbouring territories.有报告显示,政府正在密谋侵占邻国领土。She spent her years in prison plotting her revenge.她坐了多年的牢,在牢中一直谋划复仇。They are accused of plotting the assassination of the prime minister. = They are accused of plotting to assassinate the prime minister.他们被指控密谋暗杀首相。The author has a light hand and his plotting is ingenious.作者写作手法巧妙,情节设计独具匠心。The military were plotting a coup.军方正在密谋政变。The army is plotting the overthrow of the government.军队正密推翻政府。The group is plotting to depose the king.这个组织正在密谋废黜国王。He's awaiting trial in a military court on charges of plotting against the state.他因被控密谋颠覆国家正等待军事法庭的审判。He feared the other prisoners were plotting against him.他担心其他囚犯密谋整他。Everyone's always scheming and plotting.人人时刻都在谋划着。The criminals were plotting to rob the bank.犯罪分子正密谋抢劫银行。They are awaiting trial on charges of plotting against the state.他们因为阴谋叛国正在等待审判。I worked myself into frenzy plotting ways to make him jealous.我绞尽脑汁,处心积虑,就是为了让他嫉妒。They were charged with plotting the overthrow of the state.他们被控阴谋颠覆国家政权。He warned that they might be plotting a coup against the administration.他警告说他们可能在密谋一场针对该政府的政变。Celine has been plotting her escape for months.数月来塞莉纳一直在密谋逃跑。Hill cannot write badly or superficially; his characters and plotting are, as usual, admirable.希尔不可能写得太差,也不会缺乏深度;他刻画的人物和情节和以前一样精彩。They were plotting to stage an armed insurrection.他们正密谋发动武装起义。He was plotting to kill a man who failed to show proper respect to his boss.他正在密谋杀掉一个对他老板不够尊敬的人。It was widely believed that the outlaws had been plotting an insurrection.很多人都认为不法分子在策划叛乱。We've been plotting growth strategies for the company.我们一直在策划公司的发展战略。Three men were charged with plotting to plant the biggest bomb ever in Central London.三名男子被控密谋在伦敦中心区放置一颗有史以来最大的炸弹。The minister was found guilty of plotting the downfall of the government.那位大臣被判犯有阴谋颠覆政府罪。For months I've been plotting to buy a chair for that corner.几个月来我一直在打算买把椅子放在那个角落里。They are plotting to destroy him.他们正在密谋要毁了他。He was arrested on suspicion of plotting against the king.他由于涉嫌图谋反对国王而被捕。They were found guilty of plotting the downfall of the government.他们被判犯有密谋推翻政府罪。




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