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例句 Out of respect for the wishes of her family, the affair was not reported in the media.基于对她家人意愿的尊重,媒体没有报道这件事。Out on the street, a dog began to bark.在外面的街道上,一条狗吠叫起来。Out-of-town stores have sucked the life out of the city centre.城外的店铺让市中心失去了活力。Out in the jungle, with no food or shelter, he had to live by his wits.远在丛林,没有食物和居所,他不得不靠智慧生存。Out of curiosity, he walked into the house.出于好奇,他走进了那所房子。The film didn't get a very good write-up in Time Out.这部影片在《闲暇》杂志上未获好评。Out of Puritanism came the intense work ethic.严格的职业道德源于清教主义。Out in the garden an owl hooted suddenly.外面的花园里突然有一只猫头鹰呜呜地叫起来。Out of the ashes of the economic shambles, a phoenix of recovery can arise.在经济废墟中可能孕育着经济复苏的苗头。Out of all of my workers, he's the best.在我的所有员工当中,他是最出色的。Out of the corner of my eye I saw a blur of movement on the other side of the glass.从眼角余光中我看到玻璃的另一边隐约有东西在移动。Out on the bay the morning is radiant.海湾里的早晨阳光灿烂。Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles, ants and spiders.从横梁上和裂缝里爬出来了一群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。We're going to a Spanish restaurant that was written up in Time Out's good food guide.我们准备去《消费导刊》美食向导栏目介绍过的一家西班牙餐厅。Out of training as he was, he was afraid of making an exhibition of himself.他因缺乏训练,很怕会出洋相。Out-of-date flour was sold to refugees.过期的面粉被出售给难民。Out of pure instinct, he moved back a little.纯粹出于本能反应,他后退了一点儿。Out in the open, the soldiers were sitting ducks for enemy fire.在毫无掩蔽的地方,战士们就成了敌人炮火的活靶子。Out of regard for your father, I shall not dismiss you this time.看在你父亲面上,这回我不开除你。His name, Cathy, his name! Out with it!他叫什么名字,凯茜,他叫什么名字!说呀!Out-of-town retail developments often spell the death of independent high street shops.镇外的零售业开发区往往会导致大街上独立经营的商店消失。Out of beams and cracks came troops of beetles, ants, and spiders.从横梁和裂缝里爬出了一群群甲虫、蚂蚁和蜘蛛。Out of these narrow streets, one emerges on to a spacious square.走出这些狭窄的街道便是一个宽敞的广场。Out-of-town superstores are doing well.市郊的超市经营良好。Out at sea, a foghorn boomed eerily.在海上,一只雾角发出瘆人的呜呜声。Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Harry start forward.她用眼角的余光瞟到哈里起身向前走去。Out of the stillness, a lone bird began to sing.一只鸟儿唱起了歌,打破了寂静。Out of curiosity, I started to read the record he's made.出于好奇,我开始阅读他留下的记录。Out of consideration for the victim's family, no photos will be shown.考虑到受害人家属的感受,将不会公开任何照片。Out of everybody at school she was the person who helped me most of all.学校里所有的人当中,她给我的帮助最多。Out on the course you must discipline yourself to let go of detailed theory.在高尔夫球场上,你必须训练自己做到不拘泥于细枝末节的理论。Out of work with no money-that's the story of my life.失业在家而且身无分文 - 我就是这个命。Out of a sense of loyalty she took Rose's part.出于一种忠诚感,她支持罗丝。Out in the garden the little boys grubbed up worms.小男孩们在屋外花园里挖虫子。Out of the corner of her eye she saw the dog running towards her.她瞟见那条狗向她跑来。Out of the corner of my eye I noticed Tom.我用眼角的余光注意到了汤姆。Out of season Formentera is very popular with writers and artists.佛门特拉岛在旅游淡季时很受作家和画家们的欢迎。Come on, what's the problem? Out with it!赶快,什么事?说出来吧!Out of deference to him, I lowered my head as he prayed.出于对他的尊重,在他祷告的时候,我低下了头。Out of all the girls he could have gone out with, he picked me.在所有可能会和他一起出去的女孩子当中他挑选了我。




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