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词汇 only child
例句 She's an only child, but they didn't really spoil her.她是独生女,不过他们也没有惯她。An only child often creates an imaginary friend to play with.独生子女常常会虚构出一个朋友跟他一起玩。He was the only child in the class who could be rude to the teacher and get away with it.他是班里唯一一个能够顶撞老师而不受惩罚的学生。As an only child myself, I had a fellow feeling for Laura.我自己也是个独生子,因此和劳拉有同感。I was an only child, and so had no experience of large families.我是独生子,因此没有在大家庭里生活的经历。Alexandra was an only child and the centre of her mother's world.亚历山德拉是独生女,是她母亲的掌上明珠。The widow lamented the death of her only child.寡妇为她独生子的死而悲痛。Being an only child has both advantages and disadvantages.作为独生子女有利也有弊。As an only child, it was her duty to take care of her aging parents.作为家里的独生女,她有义务赡养年迈的父母。The only child acceded to the family estate.这个独生子继承了家产。Christina was an only child, her parents’ pride and joy.克里斯蒂娜是独生女,是父母的掌上明珠。It was a little lonely being an only child.独生子女有点儿孤单。I was accustomed to being the only child at a table full of adults.我习惯于作为唯一的孩子坐在满桌大人中间。I was an only child, so that I had no experience of large families.我是独子,所以我没有在大家庭中生活的经验。




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