例句 |
The new students came only yesterday.新学生昨天才来。We learned of her illness only yesterday.我们昨天才听说她病了。It seems like only yesterday that you were a baby.仿佛昨天你还在襁褓之中。It's been over a year since we met, but it seems like only yesterday. 我们上次见面是一年多以前,但感觉好像就在昨天。It seems as if that had happened only yesterday.那事仿佛是昨天刚发生似的。Oddly enough, someone asked me the same question only yesterday.真奇怪,就在昨天有人问过我同样的问题。She had once been, only yesterday, a good-looking woman.以前,就在不久之前,她还是个漂亮的女人。 |