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例句 The plan is likely only to aggravate ethnic frictions.这一方案很有可能只会加剧种族冲突。It really was a game of two halves, with Spurs dominating the first, only to be outplayed by Arsenal in the second.这确实是一场双方各占半场优势的比赛,热刺在上半场占主导地位,却在下半场被阿森纳反制。This report would be intelligible only to an expert in computing.这份报告恐怕只有电脑专家能看懂。I tore open the box, only to discover that some of the parts were missing.我撕开盒子,却发现有些零件不见了。The bear picked it up, only to drop it again.熊把它捡起来,却又让它掉了。Pausing only to put out her cigarette, she left the room.她停下来把烟掐掉,然后就离开了房间。The condition allows him only to see peripherally.当时的情况只允许他向周边看一看。They would not seek to kill him, only to bend him to their will.他们不会想法杀掉他,只是想让他屈从于他们的意志。She was touched that he had come only to see her.他来只是为了看她,这令她很感动。He worked steadily, and fast, pausing only to toss away clumps of grass roots.他平稳快速地工作着,只在扔掉草根块儿时停顿一下。The customer has only to bring the goods in to any branch and an immediate, no-questions-asked refund or replacement will be provided.顾客只要把所购之物带至任何一家分店,无须任何说明,就能立即得到退款或换货。The ship's captain was a taciturn man who spoke only to give orders.这艘船的船长是个沉默寡言的人,只在发命令时才说话。The reforms served only to intensify the misery of the poorer peasants.这些变革只不过是加剧了贫苦农民的苦难。The elitist civil service was accessible only to the upper echelons of society.只有上流社会人士才能进入精英化的公务员队伍。Fascism leads only to dust and ashes, death and shame and cruelty.法西斯主义带来的只有失望、死亡、屈辱和残暴。Rice is second only to corn as the state's major crop.大米是这个州除了玉米之外最重要的农作物。They are there only to satisfy their ghoulish curiosity.他们去那里纯粹是为了满足其病态的好奇心。His speech served only to sharpen the differences between the two men.他的讲话结果只是让两人之间的分歧更加严重。Her dark hair is beginning to turn grey, but at fifty-five that is only to be expected.她的黑发正开始变灰白,但对于五十五岁的人来说这完全正常。Soldiers leave the army, only to end up swelling the ranks of the homeless.士兵离开军队最终只会使无家可归者的人数增多。The land is only to be used for agricultural purposes.这些土地只用于农业用途。These secrets are known only to a small group of initiates.只有一小部分新会员知道这些秘密。The gunmen paused only to cut the wires to the house, then vanished into the countryside.那些持枪歹徒停下来只是切断了连接到房子里的电线,然后消失在乡间。She memorized the historical dates only to regurgitate them on the exam.她死记硬背历史事件日期,只为应对考试。The child answers only to its nickname.你只有叫那孩子的外号,他才答应。Romance bloomed, only to fizzle out two years later.爱情之花虽然绽放了,但却在两年后凋谢。A little nervousness is only to be expected when you are starting a new job.开始做一份新的工作有点紧张是不足为奇的。If you want any help, you have only to ask.如果你需要任何帮助,尽管开口。His name flitted through my mind,only to be forgotten again.他的名字在我的脑子里闪过,接着又忘了。This warranty applies only to goods which are returned carriage paid.这个保修单只适用于运费已付的退货。They won the battle, only to lose the war. 他们赢得了这场战役,却输掉了整个战争。This way of life can lead only to self-destruction and emotional emptiness.这种生活方式的结果只能是自我毁灭和情感空虚。The police force here is answerable only to the governor of the colony.这儿的警察队伍只对殖民地总督负责。Rayon ranks second only to cotton as the most widely used fiber.人造丝是仅次于棉花的使用得最广泛的织物。You drag me all the way out here only to tell me that the store is closed!?你把我一路拽到这里,就是为了告诉我这家店关门了!?Ryle tried the Embassy, only to be told that Hugh was in a meeting.赖尔试着找了大使馆,却被告知休正在开会。She writes me often, if only to scold me because I haven't written to her.她常来信,即使仅仅为了责怪我还没写信给她。These abstruse and erudite papers are intelligible only to the initiate.这些深奥而旁征博引的论文,只有具备了入门知识的内行才能看得懂。He spent months negotiating for a pay increase, only to resign from his job soon after he'd received it.他花了很长时间协商要求提高工资,不料工资刚涨不久却辞了职。The meeting was stormy, and the two sides managed only to paper over the cracks on some issues.会议很激烈,但双方只是在试图掩盖某些问题上的错误。




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