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例句 Residents had only a few minutes to escape before the blast rocked their houses.居民只有几分钟的逃离时间,气浪就把房屋震得摇来晃去。We arrived at the station with only a few seconds to spare before the train left.我们到达火车站时,离开车时间只剩下几秒钟了。There are only a few navigable passes.可通行的关口只有几个。When the two ends of the tunnel met in the middle they were only a few inches out.隧道两端在中间相接时,仅有几英寸的误差。A child can drown in only a few inches of water.儿童在只有几英寸深的水中就可能溺亡。He was standing only a few strides away from me.他站在离我只有几步远的地方。We had a lot of applicants for the job but only a few of them were acceptable.我们的这份工作有不少求职者,但合适的只有几位。If you want tickets, you'd better hurry up. There's only a few left.如果你要购票就得赶快,只剩最后几张了。Today, only a few of these beautiful animals survive.今天,这种美丽的动物已所剩无几了。When the ship finally reached land, only a few of the crew were left to witness the event.船最终靠岸时,只有几个船员能留下来目睹此事。What they lacked in speed those pioneer pilots made up for by flying only a few feet above the ground.那些飞行员先驱通过离地仅几英尺的低空飞行,弥补了飞行速度的不足。Numerous persons with only a few Negroid traits annually pass over and are ab-sorbed into the dominant Caucasoid population.许许多多只有少许黑人特征的人每年都被当作白人而被吸收为占优势的高加索种群人口。Their marriage began to fall to pieces after only a few months.才过了几个月,他们的婚姻就开始走下坡路了。We live only a few miles from the coast.我们住的地方离海边只有几英里远。He has an impressive stamp collection, though he has been collecting for only a few years.尽管他集邮只有几年,但收藏的邮票却十分惊人。There were only a few prints of this made by the artist.这位艺术家创作的这类版画数量很少。These are only a few of the possibilities.这些仅仅是其中几种可能。He read well, with only a few small stumbles.他朗读得很好,只有几处小差错。The school was only a few blocks from where she lived.学校离她住的地方只有几个街区的距离。She allowed herself only a few moments' indulgence in self-pity.她只许自己自哀自怜了一小会儿。They were able to be together for only a few precious hours/days.他们只有宝贵的几小时/天时间能待在一起。Pizarro defeated the might of the Inca Empire with only a few hundred men.皮萨罗依靠区区几百人打败了强大的印加帝国。She took only a few items of clothing.她只带了几件衣服。The crowd had thinned out and only a few people were left.人群渐渐散去,只剩下几个人了。She spoke to me only a few minutes ago on the phone.她就在几分钟前和我通过电话。The school accepts only a few transfers each year.这所学校每年只接收很少的转校学生。He was granted a reprieve only a few hours before his execution.他在被处决前几小时获得缓刑。The walls in our house are only a few inches thick.我们家房子的墙只有几英寸厚。Nick was only a few feet away now, splashing toward her.尼克现在只有几英尺远了,哗啦哗啦地蹚着水走向她。After only a few minutes I realized I was lost.仅仅几分钟后,我就意识到自己迷路了。It costs, at most, only a few dollars.它最多就花费几美元。The law was passed with only a few MPs voting against.该法律已获通过,只有数名议员投了反对票。Compared to people living only a few generations ago, we have greater opportunities to have a good time.比起上几辈人,我们有更多机会享受生活。There were only a few isolated cases of violent behaviour.只有几例孤立的暴力事件。During Dickinson's lifetime, only a few of her works were actually published.迪金森生前只有很少的作品发表。He had only a few rounds of ammunition for the revolver.他的左轮手枪只剩下几发子弹。He now has only a few trophies to remind him of the glory of his athletic career.他如今只有几个奖杯可以让他回想起自己辉煌的体育生涯。I'm only a few pounds overweight, but I just can't seem to lose them.我只不过超重几磅,不过好像就是减不下来。It took him only a few minutes to siphon off the petrol and drive away.他只用了几分钟就用虹吸管吸出汽油,开车走了。The bullet missed his head by only a few inches.子弹飞过时离他的头部只有几英寸。




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