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词汇 only when
例句 A lion will attack a human being only when it is hungry.狮子只有在饥饿的时候才袭击人。A further statement will be issued only when the investigation has been concluded.只有在调查结束时才会发布进一步的声明。Such events occur only when the external conditions are favourable.这样的事情只有在外部情况适宜时才会发生。Difficulties arise only when one or another party oversteps the limits.当有人超限时才会陷入困境。It was only when they started to work together that she began to see his true colours.直到他们开始共事她才看清他的真面目。The auxiliary units are called in only when the main force has been overtaxed.只有在主力军承受过重压力时才会召来预备部队。There is no rudder as such, so the craft can be steered only when under power.没有真正的方向舵,所以只有在动力驱动的情况下才能操控船只。It was only when he finally drifted off to sleep that the headaches eased.只有当他最后迷迷糊糊睡着时,他的头痛才有所减轻。The company's troubles started only when it diversified into new products.当公司增加新产品时,麻烦才开始的。It was only when I mentioned the money that she registered a flicker of interest.在我提到钱的时候,她脸上才闪现出一丝兴趣。She will do that for you only when pigs fly!要她为你做那事是决不可能的。Nigel drove fast and well, passing cars only when it was safe.奈杰尔开车又快又好,只有在保证安全的情况下才会超车。It's only when you get right up to them that you realise what they are.只有当你靠近它们时才能看清它们是什么。He is a phenomenon that will leave the footlights only when he does actually retire.他是一个只有在真正退休后才会告别舞台生涯的奇才。Such events occur only when the external conditions are favorable.这种事情只有在外部条件有利时才会发生。They came to visit us on the odd occasion, but only when they had nothing better to do.他们偶尔会来访,但那只是在他们无事可做的时候。Drivers obey speed laws only when they think the police are near.司机只有在他们认为附近有警察的时候才会遵守限速法规。The waterworks are turned on only when the garden is open to visitors.只有花园向游客开放的时候才会打开喷泉。We can see comets only when they come close to the earth.只有当彗星接近地球时,我们才能看得见它们。I'll believe he's dead only when the box is shut and covered up.只有棺材下盖入土我才相信他是确实死了。I screen every call and answer them only when I care to.我对所有来电进行过滤,只接听那些我想接的。He was rescued only when an exhausted friend swam ashore.当一个精疲力尽的友人游上岸后他才获救。It was only when I saw the watch at close quarters that I realized how unusual it was.当我凑近细看那表时,才发觉到它是何等奇特。She condescends to speak to me only when she needs something.只在有需求时,她才会屈尊和我说话。A recovery will come only when deflation is conquered.只有通货紧缩得到控制以后,复苏期才会到来。Learning can take place only when there is motivation.有了动力,才能学好。She felt secure only when both doors were locked.只有两扇门都锁上了她才感到放心。He usually saw women in labour only when there were problems.通常只有在产妇难产时,他才去查看。She took the medicine only when absolutely necessary.只有万不得已时她才服药。The Bank of England insists that it will cut interest rates only when it is ready.英格兰银行坚持只有条件成熟才会降息。The teacher continued only when all the students were sitting quietly in their seats.当所有学生都在安静地坐在座位上以后,老师才继续讲课。The government decides to go to war only when public opinion is aroused to the sticking point.政府决定只有待公众舆论被激发至极点时才进行战争。The game will continue only when both teams agree to observe the rules.只有双方都同意遵守规则,比赛才能继续进行。Its nickname is the Goldilocks Bird, because it nests only when water levels are "just right".它的昵称叫“恰好鸟”,因为它们只在水位刚好的地方筑巢。He could rest only when he was too drained of energy to fret further.只有当他精力完全耗尽、无法继续操心时,他才可以休息。He drove fast and well, passing cars only when it was safe.他驾驶汽车既快又稳,只有在无风险时才超车。The fight ended only when the referee pulled the two players apart.裁判把两位球员拉开才制止了打斗。




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