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词汇 accusing
例句 The prime minister was in a combative mood, twice accusing the opposition of gross incompetence.首相斗志旺盛,两次指责反对党极端无能。She has taken out a lawsuit against her employer, accusing them of sex bias.她对雇主提出起诉,告他们性别歧视。By accusing the King of murder, he signed his own death warrant.他指控国王谋杀,从而让自己走上了绝路。Are you accusing him of dishonesty?你在起诉他欺诈吗?He might have suspect motives in accusing her of malpractice.他控告她渎职或许有可疑的动机。The brothers started to quarrel, each accusing the other of being responsible for the mistake.兄弟俩吵了起来,他们互相指责,都说是对方弄错的。She started off by accusing him of blackmail but he more or less ignored her.她先是指控他勒索,但他几乎不理睬她。He spat venom at his boss, accusing her of wrecking his life.他咬牙切齿地骂起他的老板,指责她毁了他的生活。He's accusing them of having a bourgeois and limited vision.他指责他们像中产阶级一样目光狭隘。The governor's tactics involved accusing his opponent of being too liberal.州长的策略包括指责对手过于倾向自由主义。Mr Previti hit back, accusing him of betraying the trust of the right.普雷维蒂先生进行了反击,指责他背叛了右翼的信任。She took him to court, accusing him of being a pervert who was unfit to raise a child.她把他告上了法庭,指控他是性变态者,不宜抚养小孩。The accusing look in her eyes conveyed her sense of betrayal.她责备的眼神流露出遭背叛的感觉。The accusing look in her eyes conveyed her sense of betrayal.她责备的眼神中流露出一种被骗的神情。Are you accusing me of telling lies?你是在说我撒谎吗?They're accusing me without any proof.他们在毫无证据的情况下指责我。It's my father they're accusing.他们指控的是我父亲。The governor pointed an accusing finger at the legislature for failing to approve her budget.州长指责州立法机关没有批准她的预算。He was quick to point an accusing finger at his coworkers.他立即指责起同事来。His wife walked out, selling her story to the gutter press, and accusing him of being an alcoholic.他妻子抛弃他,还向一些低级小报出卖她的故事,说他是个酒鬼。The shareholders are accusing the board of financial mismanagement.股东指控董事会财务管理不善。Traditional supporters are accusing the party of compromising its principles.传统的支持者指责该党在原则问题上妥协。He said he wasn't pointing an accusing finger at anyone in the government or the army.他说他并不是在指责任何政府工作人员或军中人士。The president defended the news blackout, accusing the media of misinforming the people.总统为新闻封锁进行了辩解,指责新闻媒体误导民众。Hancock pleaded not guilty to a federal indictment accusing him of four bombings.对于联邦诉状指控他四度制造炸弹袭击事件,汉考克不承认有罪。Placards carried in the silent demonstration included one accusing the prime minister of appeasement.静默的示威队伍中有人举着一块标语牌,上面的内容是指责首相采取绥靖政策。The storekeeper signed a complaint accusing them of shoplifting.店主签署了控告书,指控他们在店里扒窃货物。They looked at me with accusing stares.他们用谴责的目光盯着我。Her husband tried to shift the blame by accusing her of being overly suspicious.她丈夫指责她多疑猜忌,试图以此来推脱责任。I hasten to add that I am not accusing you of supporting prostitution.我得马上补充一句,我不是指控你支持卖淫。He went off on one and started accusing me of stealing his girlfriend.他声色大变,指责我抢了他的女朋友。He was accusing my mum of having an affair with another man.他指责我妈妈与另一个男人有染。He's accusing them of having a bourgeois vision.他指责他们看法守旧。With the benefit of hindsight, I admit I was wrong in accusing you.职由后见之明,我承认我当时是错怪你了。Under his accusing gaze we both blushed.在她责备的目光下,我们两个都脸红了。Are you accusing me of dishonesty?你是在指责我不老实吗?He came back at me immediately, accusing me of being a liar.他立刻对我反唇相讥,骂我是骗子。You can't go around accusing people like that.你不能老是那样指责别人。She started off by accusing him of blackmail.她以敲诈为由开始控告他。Husband and wife turned coldly accusing backs toward each other.夫妇俩冷淡地以背相向,互相责备。




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