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The author-illustrator duo will be signing their books tomorrow.这部书的作者和插图画家明天将联袂签售。She's indexed the book by author, by age, and by illustrator.她按照作者、年龄和插图画家为这本书编了索引。He evolved his style of painting while working as a magazine illustrator.他在为杂志绘制插图的过程中形成了自己的画风。He was known in his lifetime as a political caricaturist and illustrator.他在世时是知名政治漫画家和插画家。The illustrator is going to judge the entries in the children's painting competition.那位插画家将评审儿童绘画比赛的参赛作品。Pitt worked as a medical illustrator before turning to fine art.皮特改行搞美术之前是医学书籍的插图画家。 |