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词汇 illusions
例句 She had/harbored no illusions about how much work the project would require. 她对这项工程所需要的巨大工作量有正确认识。I don't want to give him any false illusions.我不想给他任何错觉。Do not have any illusions that an industrial tribunal will right all employment wrongs.不要幻想一个劳资仲裁法庭能纠正所有的雇佣不公现象。All my illusions about work were smashed.我关于工作的种种梦想全都破灭了。Nobody has any illusions about winning the war.没有人对打赢这场战争抱有幻想。No one really has any illusions about winning the war.没有人幻想能赢得这场战争。He has no illusions about the underlying reality of army life.他对现实的军队生活不抱什么幻想。They are under no illusions about the difficulties ahead of them.他们对将要面对的种种困难没有抱任何幻想。She was cured of any illusions she had about college after her first semester.第一学期后,她消除了对大学的种种幻想。He was under no illusions as to who was master in his house.对于谁当家作主,他不抱任何幻想。Within the first week at college all my illusions were shattered.大学的第一个星期还没结束,我所有的幻想就已全部破灭了。He was keen to dispel any illusions we might have had.他急于打消我们可能存有的幻想。She had no illusions about her attractiveness.她对自己的吸引力不抱任何幻想。I don't harbor any illusions about our chances for success.我对我们的成功不抱任何幻想。He had to rid himself of his illusions.他得让自己不再产生那些幻觉。I don't think she's under any illusions about her husband - she has the measure of him.我认为她对她丈夫并没抱什么幻想——她了解他。I have never entertained any illusions about him.我从来没有对他抱过幻想。I never had any grand illusions of winning.我从未奢望过能赢。It is time for them to cast aside their illusions.现在该是他们丢掉幻想的时候了。I think I have lost all the illusions I had left.我觉得我原先留存的所有幻想都已经破灭了。I abandoned my romantic illusions a long time ago.我很久以前就抛弃那些浪漫的幻想了。The team have no illusions about the size of the task confronting them.这个队对他们所面临任务的艰巨性没有抱任何幻想。




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