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词汇 ill with
例句 The band cut short their tour after singer Robert Smith was taken ill with severe stomach pains.歌手罗伯特·史密斯肚子剧痛病倒后,乐队就中止了他们的巡回演出。He fell ill with acute appendicitis.他得了急性阑尾炎。Mother became seriously ill with pneumonia.母亲得了肺炎,病得很重。She was very ill with cancer of the breast.她患乳腺癌症,病情很重。It would go ill with him if he insisted.如果他固执己见,那将对他不利。She was making herself ill with worry.她愁得生病了。Her husband has been ill with bladder trouble.她丈夫膀胱有毛病,身体一直不好。He was desperately ill with a fever.他发高烧,病得很严重。She's been ill with the flu but she's on the mend now.她得了流感,但现在正逐渐好起来。Her child was ill with the pip.她的孩子身体有点不适。It later transpired that the prime minister had been ill with an incurable disease.后来得知当时首相已患不治之症。She fell ill with measles.她得了麻疹。Prime Minister Pavlov had been taken ill with high blood pressure.总理帕夫洛夫因患高血压病倒了。She was born critically ill with a severe malformation of the heart.她出生时心脏严重畸形,生命垂危。He was seriously ill with pneumonia.他患了严重的肺炎。Kathy's been quite ill with flu, but I think she's on the mend now.凯茜得了流感,病得很重,不过我觉得她现在正在好转。Robyn was almost ill with excitement and outrage.罗宾因为激动和愤怒差点儿病倒。Your act doesn't sort ill with your status.你的行为不太符合你的身份。The company's conservative instincts sit ill with competition.该公司保守的本性不利于竞争。She is mortally ill with cancer.她是癌症晚期。His father was seriously ill with heart disease.他父亲患有严重的心脏病。This policy sat ill with her commitment to revolutionary radicalism.这项政策与她对革命激进主义的承诺格格不入。He was pretty ill with the flu, but he bounced back nicely.他患重流感,但康复得很好。




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