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词汇 illustrations
例句 I turned over the page to look at the illustrations.我翻过这一页,去看插图。The deluxe edition of the book includes many more illustrations.这本书的精装本有更多的插图。She juxtaposes these photographs with illustrations of flowers.她把这些照片和花卉插图排在一起。The illustrations that he provided in his speech were very effective.他在演讲中所举的例子很有用。I love the process of developing all the illustrations and marrying them with the text.我很享受结合文章内容绘制各种插图的过程。Colourful illustrations are integrated into the text.课文里配有很多彩色插图。The book includes many handsome illustrations.这本书里有许多好看的插图。The story's really funny and the illustrations are a delight.这故事很有趣,插图很好看。The text can be interspersed with full-page illustrations.文本中可以插进一些全页插图。Someone mutilated the book by tearing out the illustrations.有人撕掉插图,把那本书弄得残缺不全。In some children's books, the text is secondary to the illustrations.在一些儿童图书中,相对于插图而言,文字是第二位的。The illustrations were cleverly tied in with the text.插图与文本配合得十分巧妙。 The clear, lively illustrations are in full colour / color.那些清晰、活泼的插图是全彩色。He pointed his remarks with apt illustrations.他用贴切的例子来强调说明自己的话。The book includes many vivid illustrations.这本书里有许多生动的插图。The illustrations show monstrous beasts with bodies like bears and heads like tigers.这些插图展示了怪异的野兽,它们身体像熊,头部像虎。I'd like to amplify my earlier remarks by providing some illustrations.我想通过一些例证进一步阐述我之前的观点。The illustrations are printed separately from the main text.插图与正文是分别印刷的。The artist's illustrations chime in perfectly with the text.画家的插图与文本内容完全吻合。The new encyclopedia is full of color illustrations and photographs.新的百科全书里有很多彩色插图和照片。The book's illustrations tie in to/with the story very well.这本书的插图和文字配合得很好。We carry illustrations of these medals on our masthead.我们在报头刊登这些奖章的图片。Her illustrations were apposite and poignant.她举的例子非常贴切。I included a few examples as illustrations of the difficulty of our work.我举了几个例子来说明我们工作的难度。Who did the illustrations for the book? They're lovely.这本书里的插图谁画的?真漂亮。Encyclopedias on CD-ROM include sound, illustrations, and simple animations.光盘电子百科全书里有声音、插图和简单的动画。The illustrations combine well with the text.这些插图与文本完美结合。These illustrations fulfill the text.这些插图使正文臻于完整。The illustrations chimed in perfectly with the story.这些插图与故事内容完全吻合。His illustrations have appeared in the pages of numerous publications.他的插图已经出现在许多出版物中。The book's illustrations capture the essence of the story.这本书的插图突显了故事的要义。Beautiful coloured illustrations enhanced the book.漂亮的彩色插图使这本书更具吸引力。The illustrations are reproduced by kind permission of the library.插图经图书馆惠允复制。The illustrations consort admirably with the text.插图和文字极为相配。What really makes the book are the illustrations.真正让这本书大获成功的是书中的插图。He created cover art and illustrations for the magazine.他为这家杂志创作封面和插图。Let me give you two illustrations.让我给你们举两个实例。I like magazines full of illustrations.我喜欢看插图多的杂志。The book was nicely interspersed with illustrations.这本书的插图分布美观合理。Art books are expensive to produce, especially if they contain colour illustrations.制作美术类书籍很贵,尤其是那些带彩色插图的。




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