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词汇 illustrative
例句 The following excerpt is illustrative of her interaction with students.下面的选段说明了她与学生互动的情况。These numbers are for illustrative purposes only.这些数字只作为说明问题之用。The case is illustrative of a common pattern.该例子是对常见模式的辅助说明。Her struggle is illustrative of the difficulties facing women in her culture.她的抗争是一个很好的实例,反映了她所处的文化中女性面临的困难。The book is enhanced with illustrative photographs.这书因有了照片插图而更加精彩了。She provides illustrative material, often lengthy quotes from respondents.她常常摘引受访者的冗长回答作为说明材料。When used for illustrative purposes, it is important to remember that a good case study cannot make up for weak concepts and ideas.用来进行说明时,重要的是要牢记好的案例分析无法弥补毫无说服力的概念和观点的不足。Choose illustrative examples from the children's everyday experience.从孩子们每天的经历中选择具有说明性的例子。The following excerpt is illustrative of her interaction with students.接下来的节选部分可以说明她与学生的互动情况。A second illustrative example was taken from The Observer newspaper.另一个范例摘自《观察家报》。




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