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词汇 operated
例句 The army should have operated in conjunction with the fleet to raid the enemy's coast.陆军本来应该与舰队协同作战,突袭敌人的海岸。The device is manually operated, using a simple handle.这个装置是用一个简单的手柄手动操作的。The doctors operated immediately to prevent any infection setting in.医生们立即进行了手术,以防止发生感染。They operated a drug-smuggling business under the guise of an employment agency.他们挂着职业介绍所的牌子,实际上在从事毒品走私活动。Police patrols operated throughout the area.警察巡逻队巡逻整个地区。He operated an enormous pear orchard.他经营一个大型梨园。The camera can be operated remotely.这架摄影机可以遥控操作。Services could be operated more efficiently and economically.服务机构的运行还可以更经济高效一些。The city authorities operated a controversial needle exchange in one of the city's parks.市政当局在市内一家公园开展针具交换计划,这一做法备受争议。It has a stylus-operated on-screen keyboard that takes great skill to master.它有触笔屏幕键盘,需要使用者掌握很高的技巧。I also used to love the smooth way in which the foreigner operated.我也曾经喜欢那个老外平稳流畅的操作方式。The group operated in tandem with local criminals.该团体和当地的犯罪分子勾结在一起。The motor vehicle becomes an outlaw on the highways if operated without new registration.机动车辆未经重新注册在公路上开是非法的。He operated a small fishing fleet.他掌管一个小型渔船队。The medicine operated quickly.这药很快起作用。The machine can be remotely operated and monitored.这台机器能远程操控。The car hire business is operated as a separate company.汽车出租公司是作为独立的公司经营的。Some speech recognition packages allow a PC to be operated using spoken commands.有些语音识别程序包让电脑可以用语音指令操作。The surgeon operated on her for appendicitis.外科医生为她动阑尾切除手术。The injection will numb the area to be operated on.注射将会麻醉手术部位。The laboratory is still owned by the government but is now commercially operated.这个实验室仍为政府所有,但现在实行商业化运作。This is an entirely computer operated system which is very user friendly.这个系统完全由电脑操控,非常好用。Even at the end of the war, German factories mainly operated only in daytime.即使在战争末期,德国工厂也基本上只在白天开工。Coin-operated machines in England reject euros.英格兰的投币机不接受欧元。The machine is operated by means of a lever.这台机器通过一个操纵杆操控。A massive rock fall trapped the men as they operated a tunnelling machine.一块坠落的巨石困住了操作隧道挖掘机的工人。The company made some systemic changes to the way it operated.公司对经营方式做了一些系统的改变。The actress will have to have her eyes operated on.那个女演员的眼睛必须动手术。The lift is operated by electricity.电梯是用电开动的。A hand-operated switch is used to regulate the gas flow.手动开关用于调节煤气流量。The machine can be remotely operated and monitored.这台机器可以远程操作和监控。Every store is independently owned and operated.每家商店都是自有自营的。The restaurant is operated by the Palo Alto Auxiliary for the benefit of the Lucile Salter Packard Children's Hospital.这家餐厅由帕洛阿尔托附院经营,收益用来资助露西尔·帕卡德儿童医院。The man was a young man. Life had not yet operated on his face.那个男子是个年轻人;生活的风霜对他的面容还没有什么影响。The doors can be manually operated in the event of fire.发生火灾时,这些门可以手动开关。Surgeons operated to remove the lump.外科医生动手术摘除肿块。The device is manually operated, using a simple handle.一只普通的手柄就可以手动操作这个装置。He'll have to be operated for his tumors.他的肿瘤得开刀。Smart machines and other appliances are operated via the Internet.智能机器及其他电器用具可通过互联网远程操作。Small turntables are operated by manpower and sacks are loaded by hand.小的转车台由人力操作,而麻袋要徒手装载。




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