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词汇 散开
例句 Officers fanned out across the field to look for clues.军官们在田野上成扇形散开寻找线索。The main body of British, American, and French troops had fanned out to the west.英、美、法部队的主力已经向西面散开The crowd was thinning, but only by degrees.人群在散开,只是散开得很慢。The hem of my skirt's come adrift again.我的裙子褶边又散开了。When the police arrived, the crowd broke up very quickly.警察到达时,人群很快就散开了。When the rain came down the crowds started to disperse.雨下来时人群开始四处散开The sky had lightened and there were breaks in the clouds.天空变亮了,云也渐渐散开了。They fanned out and carefully combed the temple grounds.他们呈扇形散开,在寺庙周围仔细搜寻。The soldiers fanned out, shooting and planting explosives.士兵们呈扇形散开,开枪的开枪,埋炸药的埋炸药。The clouds parted and the sun shone.云层散开,太阳照耀著。The crowd dispersed in a peaceable manner.人群平静地散开了。Tall chimneys can disperse the smoke.高烟囱能够使烟散开The crowd scattered when the police charged.当警察冲过来时,人群便散开了。The soldiers spread out across the field.士兵们在田野中四处散开The crowd scattered when the police arrived.警察到达时人群就散开了。The fog gradually dispersed as the day grew warmer.随着气温逐渐上升,雾渐渐散开了。The platoon leader deployed his men on both sides of the road.排长把他的部队散开到路的两侧。The arrival of armed police made the students disperse.武装警察赶到,学生就散开了。The other boys straggled away, some to their work in the kitchen, some to the great hall.其他男孩散开了,有些去厨房干活去了,有些去大厅了。They rapidly spread out over the field.他们很快便在田野上散开The troops fanned out across the fields.部队在战场上成扇形散开The notebook was held together with sticky tape.笔记本用胶带粘住没有散开I picked the magazine up and it came apart in my hands.我拿起杂志,它就在我手里散开了。The police demanded that the rioters disperse immediately.警察勒令闹事者立即散开The protesters scattered at the sound of gunshots.听到枪声后抗议者便散开了。The men were told to fan out and begin the search.那些人被命令散开,开始搜查。Smoke plumed skyward after a night of heavy air raids.一夜猛烈空袭之后,烟尘升向空中,呈羽毛状散开Their faces were covered by a fan of her long blonde hair.他们的脸都被她散开的金色长发盖住了。The youths dispersed and melted into the darkness.年轻人散开了,消失在夜幕之中。After the ambulance drove off, the crowd dispersed.救护车开走后,人群就散开了。I picked up the book and it came apart in my hands.我捡起书,书就散开了。The crowd broke up slowly.人群慢慢地散开了。The police broke ranks and started hitting people with their batons.警察散开队形并开始用警棍打人。Her hair splayed over the pillow.她的头发散开在枕头上。A curl of black hair fell loosely across his forehead.他的额头上垂着一绺散开的黑色卷发。Let's spread out more and search the whole field.我们再散开些,把整个地方都搜一搜。




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