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词汇 offense
例句 The quarterback called the offense into a huddle.四分卫召集进攻队员聚拢听取战术。Our team has the best offense in the league.我们的球队拥有联赛中最好的进攻球员。The senator apologised, saying any offense his remarks had caused had been completely unintentional.参议员道歉了,他说,他的话若有得罪之处,那完全是无心的。The penalty for a first offense is a fine.初犯将处以罚款。For what offense was he arrested?他是犯了什么罪被捕的? Between plays the coach was talking to the offense in the huddle.中场时,这位教练对围拢一圈的进攻队员进行战术指导。Such language is an offense against common decency.这样的语言有伤体面。Driving under the influence of alcohol is a criminal offense.酒后驾车是刑事犯罪。They get aroused over the slightest offense.他们因一点小事就会发脾气。The author rejected accusations that his novel is blasphemous, but apologized for any offense it had caused.作者否认了他的小说有亵渎意味的指控,但对小说引起的反感则表示歉意。The punishment for a first-time offense of this kind is a fine.对这类初犯的惩罚是罚款。The quarterback directs the offense.四分卫组织进攻。The Bears are going to have work on their offense this season.本赛季熊队打算加强进攻。He got a six-year jail sentence, a harsh punishment for a first offense.他被判刑六年,对于初犯是个严厉的处罚。She meant no offense by the remark.她说那句话并无恶意。Driving under the influence is a very serious offense.酒后驾车是非常严重的罪行。It was his first DUI offense.这是他第一次犯酒后驾车罪。Don't take offense: I was only saying it in fun.别生气,我只是开个玩笑。The punishment should be commensurate with the offense.惩罚的力度应与犯罪的严重程度相当。His actions are an offense to public morals.他的行为有悖公共道德。No offense, but this cheese tastes like rubber.请别见怪,这奶酪吃起来像是嚼橡胶。The book might be published without creating offense.出版这本书可能不会引起人们的反感。Using this drug is a criminal offense. 使用这种药物是不合法的。He took offense when I suggested exchanging the gift.当我建议交换礼物时,他生气了。The team's offense ran full throttle.球队的进攻非常迅猛。Jaywalking is a punishable offense in this city.走路乱穿马路在这座城市里可是要受罚的。The team plays good offense.球队进攻打得不错She later claimed that she did not realize she was committing an offense.她后来声称自己并未意识到是在犯罪。The team's offense has been maddeningly inconsistent.这个队的进攻极不协调,令人恼火。Possession of an unregistered firearm is a serious offense.拥有未经登记的枪械是严重的违法行为。Hopefully, we'll put the ball back in the offense's hands often enough so they can score some points.希望我们能把球多传给进攻队员,使他们能得些分。The team needs some work on its offense.球队需要加强进攻。She began the season on offense , but her coach later put her on defense.她在赛季初打进攻组,但是后来教练把她换到了防守组。She takes offense at any criticism.她听到任何批评都会生气。The defensive team equipoised the opposing team's offense.防守方挡住了对方的攻势。Although it was only his first offense, the judge decided to make an example of him and sentence him to prison.尽管他只是初犯,但法官决定要惩一儆百,于是判了他监禁。I mean no offense , but isn't there someone more qualified for the job?我无意得罪任何人,但是难道没有更适合干这份工作的人选了吗?She began the season on defense , but her coach later put her on offense.本赛季开始时她是防守队员,但之后教练安排她当进攻队员。The judge threatened to throw the book at him if he committed another offense.法官警告他,如有再犯就要从严惩罚。Penalties for a first offense range from fines to jail time.对初犯的惩罚方式从罚款到入狱都有。




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