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词汇 assistance
例句 Our tour guides will be pleased to be of assistance if you have any problems.如果你们有什么问题,我们的导游将很乐意为你们提供帮助。Calls for assistance flooded into the emergency services.大量求助电话打进急救站。The financial assistance given to students is less than adequate.学生得到的财政援助不足。Do let us know if we can be of any assistance to you.如果我们能帮你什么忙,请一定告诉我们。She had no one to turn to for assistance.她找不到可以帮助她的人。They don't like the idea that women can fulfil themselves without the assistance of a man.他们不喜欢那种女人没有男人的帮助仍会有所成就的想法。The federal agency provides assistance to families whose homes were destroyed by flooding.这个联邦机构为家园遭洪水破坏的家庭提供帮助。We thought it advisable to seek police assistance.我们认为寻求警方帮助是明智的。Any assistance you can render him will be appreciated.无论给予他何种帮助,他都会非常感激。Some received substantial occupational assistance in the form of low-interest loans.一些人以低息贷款的形式得到了有力的职业援助。It is an outrage that women are denied the same financial assistance as men.同样的经济援助只给男性而不给女性,这对她们是一种侮辱。The woman appealed to the government for assistance in resisting forced marriage.那妇女请求政府帮助她反对强迫婚姻。He needed some financial assistance from the bank to get his project off the ground.他需要银行的资金支持来启动他的项目。I am extremely grateful for the assistance your staff have provided.我万分感激贵方员工为我提供的援助。I offered my assistance.我提供了帮助。He gave me reluctant assistance.他老大不情愿地给了我帮助。The translations were carried out with the assistance of a medical dictionary.这些翻译是借助一本医学词典完成的。For assistance, they turned to one of the city's most innovative museums.他们求助于该市最具创新风格的一家博物馆。Any assistance you could give the police will be greatly appreciated.你能给警察提供的任何帮助都会得到重视。The male population of the class rushed as one to her assistance.班上的男学生一窝蜂地赶去帮助她。To summon assistance, press this button.需要求助时就按这个按钮。We are ready to render them assistance.我们乐意援助他们。Some families banded together for mutual assistance.有些家庭联合起来实行互助。Several people came forward to offer their assistance.好几个人主动伸出援手。The treaty pledged mutual assistance in the event of an attack on either country.该条约承诺,两国如有一方受袭,另一方要给予援助。The work was completed with the assistance of local carpenters.这项工作在当地木匠们的帮助下得以完成。She offered her assistance.她主动提供帮助。I have to thank you for your assistance.我得感谢你的帮助。Asking for assistance in finishing the work is tantamount to an admission of failure.请人帮助完成工作相当于承认失败。They had the unwilling assistance of the local authority.他们得到了地方当局勉强给予的援助。We asked the saleswoman for assistance.我们请女售货员帮忙。Without their assistance the arrangement would have foundered pretty quickly.没有他们的帮助这项安排早就落空了。If we have to, we can still request assistance from other authorities.如果我们需要,我们还可以请求其他权威机构的协助。They are offering merely technical assistance.他们仅仅是在提供技术援助。The newspaper was asked by federal agents for assistance and agreed to comply.联邦探员要求这家报纸给予协助,他们同意配合。Fortunately, a police officer was on hand to administer prompt assistance to the victim.幸运的是,现场有一名警察对受害者及时施以援手。I knew exactly how difficult it is flogging through thirty problems a day without assistance.我知道在无人帮助的情况下一天解出三十道题有多难。The program gives assistance to unemployed mothers and their children.这个计划向失业的母亲及其子女提供援助。They provided assistance on various aspects of the job.他们给这一职位的方方面面提供帮助。She can still come downstairs with assistance but she's very weak.在有人搀扶的情况下她还是能够下楼的,但是很虚弱。




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