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词汇 heads
例句 I flipped the coin and it came up heads/tails.我抛了硬币,结果正面朝上/背面朝上。This crisis has politicians scratching their heads and wondering what to do.这场危机让政客们挠头不已,不知怎么办才好。For years they struggled to keep their heads above water.多年来他们一直勉强维持着生活。We called a mandatory meeting of our department heads this morning.今天上午我们召集部门领导开了一次强制性会议。The heads of school departments have particular responsibilities for the curriculum.系主任专门负责课程的安排。She turned heads whenever she walked into a room.只要她走进一个房间,就能吸引很多目光。The president met the other heads of state as they arrived.其他国家元首抵达时,总统会见了他们。Once they get an idea into their heads, they never give up.一旦他们形成了某种看法,就不会改变。I intend to deal with this question under three heads.我将要分三个要点讨论这个问题。We flipped a coin; he called heads, and heads it was!我们掷硬币,他猜是正面,结果真的是正面!The moment she walked into the room, heads swivelled and waiters fluttered around.她一走进房间,人们都转过头来,侍者也立刻忙碌起来。He heads off for a cycle.他去骑车旅行了。We don't have much money, but at least we have a roof over our heads. 我们没有多少钱,但至少我们有个栖身之处。They had taken some mushrooms and were completely out of their heads by the time they got to the party.他们服用了一些致幻蘑菇,来到聚会上时已完全神志不清了。They flung their arms above their heads and danced about ecstatically.他们把胳膊甩过头顶,心醉神迷地舞动。I flipped a coin, and the call was heads.我抛了一枚硬币,并喊是正面。The decision has left many party members scratching their heads.这个决定让许多党员大伤脑筋。How many heads of livestock do you have on your farm?你农庄里有多少头牲畜?If we put our heads together, we can think of a solution.如果我们一起动脑筋,会想出解决办法的。He was reprimanded for trying to go over the heads of senior officers.他因试图越过高层官员自作主张而受到斥责。I called heads and it came down tails.我要了正面,可落下来却是反面朝上。The cider was very strong and went straight to our heads.这苹果酒很烈,一喝就上头了。They may have lost the game, but I still think they've earned the right to hold their heads high today.他们也许是输掉了这场比赛,但我仍然认为今天他们有权利昂首挺胸。We hadn't been able to poke our heads out and see what was going on.我们无法伸出头去,看看发生了什么。The priest asked us all to join hands and bow our heads in prayer.牧师让我们所有人手拉着手低头祈祷。Some electric razors have reciprocating heads.有些电动剃须刀的刀头是往返运动式的。I couldn't make heads or tails of her reaction.对于她的反应,我无法理解。We were amazed, shocked, dumbfounded, shaking our heads in disbelief.我们震惊、愕然、目瞪口呆,难以置信地摇着头。She's finally gotten it through their heads that she doesn't eat meat.她终于使他们明白了,她不吃肉。He went over the heads of union officials, appealing directly to the workforce.他越过工会领导,直接向全体员工发出呼吁。They gave us a heads-up that the deal might be off.他们警告我们交易可能会取消。He heads the list of candidates for the job.他是这个工作的第一人选。We stood under a tree, with rain dripping onto our heads.我们站在树下,雨滴落到我们头上。Jennifer O'Neill heads the cast of this original entertainment.珍妮弗·奥尼尔是这个原创娱乐节目的领衔主演。Their two heads were close to each other.他们两人的头靠得很近。I am going in there and knock some heads if they don't start behaving.如果他们不规矩的话,我就要过去教训教训他们。Government troops fired a few shots over their heads.政府军擦着他们的头顶朝天开了几枪。She could only just see over the tops of their heads.她越过他们的头顶勉强才能看到前面的东西。The next morning, we all put our heads together to decide what should be done.第二天早晨,我们大家一起来商定要做什么事。Peasant women with scarves around their heads were working in the fields.农妇们头上包着围巾,正在地里干活。




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