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词汇 appearance
例句 At least Marc managed to put in an appearance at the party.至少,马克在聚会上露了一面。Young people are very sensitive about their appearance.年轻人对外表很在意。The governor put in an appearance at the party.州长短暂出席了聚会。The singer made her first appearance in a concert in Boston.这位歌唱家第一次演出是在波士顿的一个音乐会上。She was forced to cancel her appearance as keynote speaker at the event.她被迫取消了露面,不再担任活动的主题发言人。Brad Pitt made a guest appearance on last week's episode.布拉德·皮特客串了上周的那一集。I wasn't expecting him to come and was surprised by his sudden appearance. 我没想到他会来,他的突然出现使我感到很意外。She surveyed his appearance critically.她挑剔地打量着他。Don't be fooled by his appearance.别被他的外表欺骗了。Marianne noted his flustered appearance.玛丽安娜注意到了他脸上慌乱的表情。He made some impolite comments about her appearance.关于她的外貌,他讲了一些没有礼貌的话。The film argues that inner beauty, not physical appearance, is most important.这部电影的观点是:内在美,而不是外表美,才是最重要的。She changed her name and appearance to avoid recognition.她改了名字、换了容貌,以防被认出。The sisters were identical in appearance and character.这对姐妹在相貌和性格上极其相似。Denim once again made an appearance on the catwalks in the spring and summer collections.丹妮又一次在春夏时装展示会上出场。The commentators make endless quips about the female players' appearance.评论员们没完没了地拿女选手的容貌打趣。The twins are almost identical in appearance.这对双胞胎外表看来几乎是一模一样的。They saw nothing objectionable in his appearance.他们觉得他的外表没有什么不合适的。Its fearsome appearance struck terror into their hearts.它那可怕的样子使他们胆战心惊。I bought these shoes for their practicality, not their appearance.我买这双鞋是因其实用而并非其样式。He was nasty about my appearance. If I dressed up he'd say I looked like a tart.他对我的外表要求很苛刻,我要是打扮打扮,他就会说我像荡妇。This is her first appearance at/in the national championships.这是她首次参加全国锦标赛。The defendant has made no appearance in the case and is in default.这起诉讼案中,被告未露面,未到庭。They tried to maintain the appearance of normality.他们试图保持表面上的常态。She went to a cosmetic surgeon for repairs to her appearance.她去整容外科医生处整容。Her appearance is/counts against her. 她的容貌不讨人喜欢。Her appearance at this moment is an omen of disaster.她在此刻出现预示着一场灾难。This marked the appearance of a new genre in American music.这标志着一种新风格的美国音乐的诞生。Recent initiatives have done a lot to improve the appearance of the district.最近的倡议对改善本地区的市容环境起了很大作用。My mother was upset about his appearance here, not least because she felt it was invading her privacy.他在这里出现使我母亲很不高兴,尤其是因为她觉得这侵犯了她的隐私。These two models are absolutely identical in appearance.这两个模型外表完全没有区别。We tried to meet both children's needs without the appearance of favouritism.我们力求在满足两个孩子的需求的同时不表示出任何偏袒。He'll be making a special guest appearance on the popular television show next fall.明年秋天,他将作为特邀嘉宾出现在这档热播电视节目中。Something in his appearance riveted our attention.他外表的某些特征吸引了我们的注意力。Carol managed a few proper snivels for the sake of appearance.为了做做样子,卡萝尔适时地抽了几下鼻子。Organically grown produce does not differ greatly in appearance from conventionally grown crops.从外表上来看,有机农作物同传统农作物没有太大的区别。It is strong only in appearance but brittle inside.它仅仅貌似强大,实则脆弱。Many people are hung up about their physical appearance.许多人都过分在意自己的外表。The scratch didn't affect the car's overall appearance.这道划痕不影响汽车的总体外观。His unkempt appearance is bound to tell against him in court.在法庭上,他那不修边幅的样子肯定对他不利。




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