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词汇 foreign policy
例句 The politician refused to identify himself with the Administration's foreign policy.那位政治家拒不支持政府的外交政策。The minister of foreign affairs has redesigned a new foreign policy.外交部长已重新制订了一套新外交政策。A small group of advisers helps the President with the formulation of foreign policy.一个顾问小组帮助总统制定外交政策。This was a major change of direction for Britain's foreign policy.这是英国外交政策方向上的一个重大转变。The mass of public opinion is in favor of the new foreign policy.大部分的舆论赞成新的外交政策。After the war the government reversed its foreign policy.政府在战后彻底改变了它的外交政策。Her ignorance of foreign policy was alarming.她对外交政策的无知令人吃惊。He alone was allowed to make decisions on foreign policy.只有他被准许就外交政策作出决定。The president's speech heralds a new era in foreign policy.总统的演说预示着一个外交政策新时代的开始。The candidate attacked the incumbent for the lack of continuity in foreign policy under his presidency.那位候选人抨击现任总统在其任期内的外交政策缺乏连续性。The government enthusiastically supports US foreign policy, sometimes to excess.该政府热烈支持美国的外交政策,有时候过了火。There's always a lack of consistency in matters of foreign policy.外交政策总是缺乏连贯性。He accused the government of a serious foreign policy misjudgement.他指责政府在外交政策上有一个严重失误。Before the convention, there was debate over the foreign policy and economic planks.会议召开前,人们就外交政策和经济政策准则进行了辩论。US foreign policy at the time hadn't made the slightest difference in the situation.当时美国的对外政策在这种情况下一点都不起作用。He said his sudden focus on foreign policy was not motivated by presidential politics.他说他突然关注外交政策并非受总统政治的驱使。He described their foreign policy as on hold.他将他们的外交政策称为缓兵之计。There was a radical difference between their views on foreign policy.他们对外交政策的看法存在着根本性的差异。The scope of foreign policy expanded to embrace areas previously considered unimportant.外交政策的范围扩大到以前被认为是不重要的地区。As far as foreign policy is concerned, the country is chained to its past.就外交政策而言,这个国家受制于自身的历史。The Secretary of State played a leading role in the government's successful foreign policy.国务卿对政府成功推行的外交政策起了主导作用。The conduct of foreign policy is largely the preserve of the president.外交政策事宜主要由总统专门负责。The President's speech was an effective apology for his foreign policy.总统的演说是对其外交政策的有力辩护。He keynoted the nation's foreign policy in his speech.他在讲话中着重谈了该国的外交政策。She believes that our current foreign policy is on the wrong track.她认为我们当前的对外政策不对路。There is anxiety about the growing split over foreign policy.外交政策上的裂痕日益加深,大家都很忧虑。The Minister's speech included a sideways reference to the government's foreign policy.部长的讲话间接提到了政府的外交政策。The professor does not approve the government's foreign policy.那位教授不赞成政府的外交政策。He will introduce plans which include changes in foreign policy and economic reforms.他将推行包括转变外交政策和改革经济的计划。They are arguing over foreign policy.他们就外交政策进行争论。They have been sniping at each other, with the Democrats taking jabs at the president's handling of foreign policy.他们一直在互相指责,其中民主党一方抨击总统的对外政策。He's been acting as a mouthpiece for the government on questions of foreign policy.他一直担任政府外交政策问题的发言人。The president is hawkish on foreign policy.总统在外交政策上十分强硬。Mandelbaum's new book is an examination of US foreign policy.曼德尔鲍姆的新书审视了美国的外交政策。We discussed topics ranging from foreign policy to economics.我们讨论了从外交政策到经济学等多个主题。The author takes some sideswipes at our foreign policy.作者附带着隐晦地抨击了我们的外交政策。She studies government with a specialization in foreign policy.她专门研究政府的对外政策。In his campaign speeches, he kept pounding at the weakness of the government's foreign policy.他在竞选演说中不断地抨击政府外交政策的弱点。Kissinger was now chief steward of US foreign policy.基辛格现在是美国外交政策的负责人了。Their foreign policy lacks definition.他们的外交政策含糊不明。




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