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词汇 judgment
例句 I lent him the money, against my better judgment.尽管我觉得不妥,但还是把钱借给了他。He disagreed fundamentally with the President's judgment.他从根本上反对总统的判断。In my judgment , the stock has performed badly. = It is my judgment that the stock has performed badly.依我看,这只股票走势不好。What right do you have to sit in judgment over me?你有什么权利指责我?The judgment was in her favour and she was released from custody.判决于她有利,她被释放了。My judgment is that you should not resign.我的看法是你不应辞职。I'm acting against my better judgment in allowing you to get engaged.我允许你订婚是违心的。I was starting to mistrust my own judgment.我开始怀疑自己的判断了。In my judgment, we should let the solicitor deal with this.在我看来,我们该让律师处理此事。It's a judgment call - do we go by plane or risk taking the car to the conference?主观判断一下——我们是乘飞机还是冒险乘车去开会?The senator's uncritical support for the measure reflects his poor judgment.这位参议员对这个议案一味支持反映出他的判断能力低下。Don't let anyone lead you by the nose; use your own judgment.不要让人牵着鼻子走;自己要有主见。 Don't rush to judgment without examining the evidence.证据未经检验不要急于下结论。He held prejudices that warped his judgment.偏见使他判断有误。The final judgment will be made in court.法院将会作出最终判决。I intend to appeal that judgment.我打算对那判决提出上诉。A pharmacist can fill any prescription if, in his or her judgment, the prescription is valid.只要药剂师认定处方有效就可按方配药。By his own statement, there have been imperfections in his judgment.据他自己声称,他的判断存在不足之处。He was well informed and shrewd, with good, calm judgment.他见多识广,精明能干且有着出色、冷静的判断力。It's not for me to pass judgment, it's a personal matter between the two of you.这是你们俩之间的私事,我不该说三道四。The market likes the broad outline but is reserving judgment on the fine detail.市场对这一整体设想表示出认可,但在具体细节上还未作出反应。Environmental rules are developed using good information and sound judgment.利用实用的资料以及良好的判断力制订出了环境保护规定。It goes against his grain to question the boss's judgment.质疑老板的判断不是他的一贯作风。He has got to hear it from the horse's mouth. Then he can make a judgment as to whether his policy is correct or not.他必须得到千真万确的信息才行。这样他才能判断自己的政策是否正确。It's funny how having all that money can warp your judgment.真奇怪,有了那些钱竟可以让你判断失常。His judgment can sometimes be a little cloudy.他的判断有时会有点不清楚。The court granted/pronounced a judgment in favor of the plaintiffs.法庭做出有利于原告的判决。A default judgment was issued against the defendant.被告受到了缺席审判。The court pronounced a judgment ordaining him to pay the debts.法院宣布由他偿还债务的判决。Doctors are reserving judgment on his ability to travel until later in the week.直到本周晚些时候医生们才会对他能否出行表态。Fatigue impaired their judgment.疲劳削弱了他们的判断力。How could you humiliate me by questioning my judgment in front of everyone like that?你怎么能那样当众质疑我的判断,让我丢脸?The industry was awaiting a judgment from the European Court.业界正在等待欧洲法院的判决。Other papers have editorialized, criticizing the Czech government for rushing to judgment on this individual.其他报纸已经发表了社论,谴责捷克政府对这一独立的个体草率下定论。The soundness of his judgment has yet to be tested.他的判断是否正确尚须验证。The rules aren't clear in this case, so officials are required to make a judgment call.就这件事而言,规则不是很明确,所以主管人员要靠自己的判断做出决定。When the existing laws fail to render a satisfactory judgment, equity applies.当现存的法律不能作出令人满意的判决时衡平法就生效。I shall make my own judgment on this matter.在这件事上我会作出自己的判断。I'm trying not to let my judgment be coloured by that one incident.我努力不让自己的判断因为那一事件而带上偏见。He could not interpose himself between the clinical judgment of the doctor and his patient.他不能干预医生对病人的临床诊断。




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