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A higher court agreed that the trial judge had been mistaken.上级法院认同主审法官判决有误的观点。Let's hope the judge shows leniency towards / toward her.希望法官能对她宽大处理吧。Passing sentence, the judge told Kelly that the public needed protection from him.宣判时,法官告诉凯利公众需要他的保护。The judge's conclusion was plainly wrong.法官的结论显然是错的。They put us in a cell, and the next day the judge bound us over.他们把我们关进牢房,第二天法官令我们具结保证。The judge dismissed the case for lack of evidence.法官因缺乏证据而拒不受理这宗案件。A judge accepted her plea that she was guilty of manslaughter, not murder.她申诉说自己并非蓄意谋杀,而是过失杀人,法官接受了她的申诉。She is incompetent to judge.她没有判断能力。The judge pronounced for/against the defendant.法官做出对被告有利/不利的判决。It's difficult to understand the judge's reasoning in this case.法官对这个案子的推论令人费解。The lawyer and judge conferred about the ruling.律师和法官就裁决进行了商谈。So far, he seems to be handling the job well, but it's really too soon to judge.到目前为止,他的工作看起来还干得不错,但现在下结论还为时过早。The press pilloried the judge for her decision.媒体公开谴责女法官的判决。The judge handed down a suspended sentence to the first-time offender.法官宣布对那名初犯者实施缓刑。The integrity of the judge is unquestioned.这位法官的正直是毫无疑问的。Naylor acknowledged, in a letter to the judge, that he was a drug addict.内勒在给法官的信中承认自己吸毒。The report was written by a recently appointed judge, the Hon. Mr Justice Carlton.这份报告是由新近任命的尊敬的卡尔顿法官撰写的。I would judge that my earnings as a teacher have, over the years, been considerably below those of Mr Foot.我估计,这些年来,我当老师的收入要比富特先生的收入低不少。The judge was in the defense lawyer's pocket.那位法官对辩护律师言听计从。The judge imposed a life sentence.法官宣布判处无期徒刑。I'll be the judge of that.我会对此作出裁断。On appeal it was held that the judge was correct.上诉维持了法官的原判。By taking bribes the judge made a burlesque of his high office.那位法官受了贿赂,嘲弄了自己的高位。The judge's ruling is based on legal precedent.法官是基于法律判例作出的裁决。The judge decided the case in favour of the plaintiff.法官作出有利于原告的判决。The judge found that in her case there were mitigating circumstances.法官认为她这个案子存在可以减轻罪责的情节。He appealed to the judge for mercy.他恳求法官宽恕。The judge granted custody of the children to their mother.法官把孩子们的监护权判给了母亲。The judge reduced the amount of money awarded to the victim.法官减少了补偿给受害人的款额。The inquiry was chaired by a judge.该项调查由一名法官主持。In his summing-up, the judge said that it was dangerous to convict on this evidence alone.法官在总结中说,单凭这条证据就宣判有罪很不稳妥。Colin Mitchell will judge the entries each week.科林·米切尔负责每周对参赛作品进行评判。I'm no judge of what makes people happy.我无法判别什么事情能让人们高兴。His report is highly critical of the trial judge.他在报告中对主审法官有颇多批评。The judge reminded the witness that she was under oath.法官提醒证人她宣过誓要据实作证。History may judge the enterprise to have been rather backward-looking.历史也许会对这个企业作出评判,认为它太守旧。The judge asked counsel for the defence to explain.法官要求被告的辩护律师作出解释。The judge has the authority to halt the trial.法官有权中止审判。A good judge must be incorruptible.好法官必须廉洁。The judge must remain impartial.法官必须保持公正。 |