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词汇 judge of
例句 I wouldn't trust her. She's always been a poor judge of character.我不相信她。她向来不善于鉴别人的性格。My sister is a very shrewd judge of character.我姐姐是很会判断性格的人。The President has power to nominate people to certain key offices, including judge of the Supreme Court.总统有权给某些重要职位提名,包括最高法院的法官。I'll be the judge of that.我会对此作出裁断。I'm a pretty good judge of men. If you're honest and on the up and up, I'll be able to tell it.我看人很准的。你要是诚实正派,我能看出来的。The referee is the sole judge of the rules.仲裁员是这些规则的唯一仲裁人。I think I am a good judge of character.我觉得自己很擅长判断人的品性。She considers herself a perspicacious judge of character.她认为自己对人有敏锐判断。The judges of the talent show were biased toward musical acts.新秀选拔的评委偏好音乐方面的表演。You should judge of its merits and faults for yourself.你自己判断它的优缺点吧。He was unqualified to judge of literary merit.他没有资格鉴定文学价值。I really don't know how to judge of a picture.我实在不知道如何评价一幅画。She's usually a pretty shrewd judge of character.她通常能对别人的性格作出相当精准的判断。Sachs was a shrewd judge of character, and chose his staff well.萨克斯善于洞察人心,把自己的工作班子选得很得力。I'm no judge of what makes people happy.我无法判别什么事情能让人们高兴。She'd always thought Mr Cunningham was a good judge of character.她一直认为坎宁安先生很善于鉴别人的性格。I am a bad judge of age.我不擅长判断年龄。It would appear that my sister is a poor judge of masculine charm.看来我妹妹全然不懂得欣赏男性的魅力。Jane says I'm good at cooking, but I'll let you be the judge of that!简说我很会做菜,可我想还是让你自己来评判吧。He is a good judge of musical talent.他善于发掘音乐人才。Professional people are sometimes bad judges of their colleagues’ conduct.专业人士有时对同事的行为操守不能作出准确的判断。The judge of the case chose a middle ground between harshness and leniency.此案件的法官选择了既不严厉也不宽大的中间立场。Dan is a good judge of the heat of a curry.丹对评判咖喱辣度很在行。She's a great judge of character.她是个识别性格的行家。The fact that the most senior judge of the High Court's Family Division had taken control of the case was proof of its urgency and status.高等法院家事庭里资历最高的法官已接管这个案子,这就证明了此案的紧迫性和重要性。You are the best judge of what your body needs.身体需要什么,自己最能判断。He served as a law clerk for the chief judge of the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia circuit.他为哥伦比亚特区巡回上诉庭首席法官担任书记员。I'm a pretty good judge of character.我很善于判断人的性格。No-one else can say what its value to you is – only you can be the judge of that.其他人都不能道明它对于你的价值,唯有你自己才能作评价。Sandra's a very good judge of character.桑德拉很善于判断人的性格。He is a good judge of horseflesh.他是个相马能手。




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