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词汇 judging
例句 The judging was difficult as always.评判和以往一样难以抉择。We are willing to offer a small honorarium that we hope you will accept for judging the competition.我们愿意付一点微不足道的酬金,希望你能出任本场比赛的裁判。I think this cheese is old, judging by the smell of it.从气味上判断,我觉得这块奶酪有点陈了。She looks like a student, judging from the number of books she's carrying under her arm.从她怀里夹着那么些书判断,她似乎是个学生。Some feel that test scores aren't an adequate yardstick for judging a student's ability.有人觉得考试分数不足以评判学生的能力。There are various points to look out for when you're judging dogs in a competition.在比赛中要根据各方面的特点对狗作出评判。It's a closed event, attended only by those involved in the business of wine judging.这是一次内部活动,只有那些涉足评酒行业的人出席。I gather you're in charge of the judging panel.我猜你是裁判小组的组长。She is capable of judging works of art.她有鉴赏艺术品的能力。He seems to have been a popular person, judging by the number of people at his funeral.从参加他葬礼的人数来看,他生前似乎很受欢迎。I said that if I was judging I wanted to see every entry.我说过,如果我当裁判,我需要看到每一件参赛作品。The poor lady, judging by her breathlessness and flushed cheeks, was exhausted.那位可怜的女士气喘吁吁、满脸通红,看样子已经累坏了。I had the difficult task of judging the competition.我接受了担任这次比赛裁判的艰巨任务。There was a judging scandal at the Winter Olympics.冬奥会上出现了裁判丑闻。I think you're judging her rather harshly.我觉得你对她的评判过于苛刻。I can't really be objective when I'm judging my daughter's work.评价自己女儿的作品时,我的确无法做到客观。People use different criteria for judging success at school.人们用不同的标准来评判学生在学校成功与否。If you knew, which I'm sure you did judging from your smug expression, why didn't you tell me?如果你知道,从你扬扬得意的表情判断,我肯定你知道,为什么不说给我听?He was on a jury judging a songwriting competition.他当时是歌曲创作比赛的评委之一。What criteria do you use when judging the quality of a student's work?你用什么标准来衡量学生的学业? Experience in judging, in practising, or in teaching law highlights numerous problems.做法官、当律师或教授法律的经历会突显众多问题。The news for the company isn't good, judging from the long faces in the boardroom.从董事会上人们拉长的脸可以看出,对公司来说这不是个好信息。Health visitors and nurses were very judging and unkind to me when I was having my first child.在我怀第一个孩子期间,卫生访视员和护士对我非常挑剔且不友善。The judging was difficult as always.当裁判是一如既往地难。




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