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词汇 judge by
例句 People are judged by the company they keep.根据某人结交的朋友便能判断其人了。A man should be judged by his deeds, not his words.应当根据一个人的行为而不是言词来判断他。If you are accused of a crime you have the right to be judged by a jury of your peers.如果被控有罪,被告有权要求由和他同样阶层的人构成的陪审团来审判。It is only too true that people are judged by their accents.人们以口音来判断人,这绝对是事实。Like it or not, people are often judged by their appearance.不管你喜不喜欢,人往往都是以貌取人的。The Health Service should not be judged by financial criteria alone.公共医疗卫生服务不应仅仅以财务状况的好坏为标准来评判。To judge by appearances, Roger was rather embarrassed.从表面上看,罗杰相当尴尬。A man should be judged by his deeds,not his words.判断一个人应根据他的行动,而不是他的言词。The pyramids are a remarkable piece of engineering, even judged by modern standards.即使用现代的标准来衡量,金字塔也仍然是一项辉煌的工程。The jury system gives you the basic right to be judged by your peers.陪审团制度使你享有基本的权利,即让与你地位同等的人对你作出判决。He doesn't look well off, but you shouldn't judge by appearances.他看上去不富有,但是你不应该以貌取人。In morals the action is judged by the intention.从伦理学角度说,行为是由意图来判断的。Simon hasn't been getting much sleep to judge by the bags under his eyes.从西蒙的眼袋就可以看出,他没睡多少觉。The competition was judged by the local mayor.比赛由本地市长当裁判。The changes should be judged by their results.这些变革应以其结果为评判依据。We are judged by our deeds. 我们的所作所为判定了我们的为人。Politicians are judged by their public utterances.人们根据政治家公开的言论来评判他们。The annual flower show was judged by a TV celebrity and a professional horticulturist.一年一度的花卉展由一位电视名人和一位专业园艺师担任评委。You will be judged by the work you have produced over the year.将依据你一年来的工作业绩对你进行评判。




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