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词汇 judgement
例句 Accepting the gift was an error of judgement on the part of the party chairman.接受礼物是该党主席的一次判断失误。The sacked workers won a judgement against the company.被解雇的工人赢得了和公司打的官司。We will have to let the dust settle a bit and make a considered judgement.我们必须待事态平静一些后再作出深思熟虑的判断。The company backed her judgement and implemented all her recommendations.公司支持她的判断,采纳执行了她所有的建议。He never allows any prejudices to influence his judgement.他的判断从不带任何偏见。Let us suspend judgement until we know all the facts.让我们在了解全部事实之前暂时不要作出判断。There were complaints about my immaturity and lack of judgement.有人埋怨我幼稚、缺乏判断力。The judges upheld the validity of the previous judgement.法官维持了原判。Doctors are reserving judgement on his ability to travel until later in the week.医生们要等到这周晚些时候再决定他是否适宜旅行。Another opposition newspaper was suspended for three months in a court judgement on Thursday.星期四的一次法庭判决勒令另一份反对党报纸停刊三个月。It's not for me to pass judgement, it's a personal matter between the two of you.不该由我来说三道四,这是你们两个人之间的私事。I have used my interviews with parents as a counterpoint to a professional judgement.我把我和家长的访谈拿来与专家的意见作了对照,发现很有趣。The judgement was overturned in the High Court.这一判决被高级法院撤销。The court will reserve judgement.法庭将延期判决。The judgement serves to weaken public confidence in the courts.这个判决导致公众对法院的信心下降。Anger had coloured her judgement.愤怒影响了她的判断力。The break-up of a serious relationship can often make us lose confidence in our own judgement.一段真心实意的关系的破裂常常会使我们对自己的判断力失去信心。He could no longer trust his own judgement.他不再相信自己的判断。Their boss made a one-sided judgement.他们的上司作出了不公的判断。It's difficult to form a judgement when you don't have all the facts.不了解全部事实很难作出评判。Evolutionary psychology does not make a value judgement about the way we behave.进化心理学不对我们的行为方式进行价值判断。Don't let your personal feelings cloud your judgement.不要让你的个人感情影响了你的判断力。On the other hand, the sign of Libra is about judgement.在另一方面,天秤宫代表着判断力。He felt he had no right to sit in judgement on someone he had only just met.他觉得自己无权去评价仅有一面之交的人。Teachers need to have good judgement of pupils’ needs and abilities.教师对学生的需要和能力要具备良好的判断力。Jake has raised two great kids and I trust his judgement.杰克养大了两个了不起的孩子,我相信他的判断。He argues very strongly that none of us has the right to sit in judgement.他激烈地争论说,我们中任何一个人都无权进行审判。Remember to be tactful when expressing a personal judgement.记住表达个人看法要婉转。He never had much confidence in his judgement at the fag end of the working day.他向来对自己在快下班那个时段的判断力不抱什么信心。I'll act on my own judgement.我们要根据自己的意见行事。I made a gross judgement of the distance between the two cities.我粗略地判断了一下这两个城市之间的距离。The Earl didn't have the money or good judgement to employ a steward to manage the place for him.这位伯爵既没钱也没有良好的判断力去雇用一名管家替自己管理这所房子。How can he form any judgement of the matter without the figures?.没有这些数字,他怎么能对这件事作出任何评价呢?She has a reputation for sound professional judgement.她以可靠的专业判断力闻名。I don't think he's dishonest, but I question his judgement.我不认为他不诚实,不过我质疑他的判断。The court's judgement was absolutely monstrous.法院判决极不公正。The judgement was overruled by the Supreme Court.这一判决被最高法院驳回。He refused to pass judgement until all the evidence was presented.在所有证据被呈上之前,他不肯作出评论。I can't pass judgement until I know all the facts.在没有了解全部事实之前我无法作出判断。You will need to exercise your own judgement about what clothes to wear.穿什么衣服需要你自己来决定。




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