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词汇 engineers
例句 Genetic engineers should not be allowed to play God, interfering with the basic patterns of Nature.不应该允许遗传工程学家充当上帝,随便去干预自然的基本格局。Opportunities exist in our company for experienced engineers.我们公司为有经验的工程师提供很多机会。There have been cases of thieves posing as telephone engineers to trick people into letting them into their homes.有这样几宗案子,窃贼们冒充电话技工,以此来蒙骗人们让他们进入家里。Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next.遗传工程师将某一生物的小段遗传物质调换到另一生物,或与其互换。She was articled to a firm of engineers.她到一家工程公司实习。Their top computer engineers were sent out to tackle the problem.他们最顶尖的电脑工程师被派去处理这个问题了。The engineers stopped the countdown because something was wrong with the engine.工程师停止了倒计时,因为发动机出了故障。The engineers' union was unhappy with the motion, saying it smacked of racism.工程师联盟对这项提议感到很不满,称该提议有点种族主义的味道。The sound engineers were up on the stage doing mike checks.音响工程师在台上检查话筒。He expects the system to get even better as the engineers tweak its performance.他期望在工程师对其性能进行调节后,系统会运行得更好。In the computer industry, engineers have to retool frequently.在电脑业中,工程师必须经常以新知识充实装备自己。Their engineers are happier borrowing other people's ideas than developing their own.他们的工程师更乐于借用别人的创意,而不愿自主创新。How can we produce top-class engineers when universities are constrained to offer salaries that can only attract mediocre staff?.大学的财力有限,提供的薪酬仅能吸引水平一般的教师,在这种情况下,我们如何能培养出一流的工程师?The party has responded by trying to become a broad church that appeals to devout pensioners, Munich punks and aerospace engineers.该党的反应是要努力成为一个吸引笃信宗教的退休者、慕尼黑朋客族和航天工程师的兼收并蓄的政党。Today the company's engineers do their own admin work.现在公司的工程师自己做管理工作。Genetic engineers are entering uncharted territory.基因工程师正在进入从未涉足过的领域。Genetic engineers manipulate living organisms such as cells or bacteria to create products which fight disease.遗传工程学家利用细胞、细菌等生物有机体制造抗击疾病的产品。The main problem for engineers was the location of underground rivers in the area.工程师们面对的主要问题在于确定该地区地下河的位置。Flight engineers monitor the engines, fuel consumption, and functioning of aircraft systems during flight.飞行工程师在飞行过程中监控发动机的运行、燃料消耗情况和飞机系统的运转。The bleary-eyed engineers were still hard at work when everyone else arrived the next day.当其他人第二天到来时,那些睡眼惺忪的工程师仍在奋力工作。All the higher-grade engineers have formed a little clan of their own.所有的高级工程师组成了他们自己的小团体。Rate of progress will depend upon, inter alia, the number of engineers available.进展的速度如何,主要取决于有多少名工程师可来参加这项工作。Design engineers are working on ways to make the cars run more efficiently.设计工程师们正在探索能使汽车更加有效行驶的方法。The engineers had a clear vision of what they wanted to achieve.工程师清楚地知道他们想达到的目标。He recruited two multilingual engineers.他招聘了两个懂多种语言的工程师。Female engineers are not too thick on the ground.女工程师并不多见。The incredible precision of the equipment is testament to the mechanical skill of the engineers who built it.这个设备令人难以置信的精确度显示了制造这个设备的工程师的技术水平。NASA maintains a small army of engineers.美国国家航空航天局供养着为数不多的一群工程师。Petroleum engineers plan and manage the extraction of oil.石油工程师对开采石油作出计划并加以管理。The oil engineers have already moved their drilling equipment into the area.石油工程师已把钻探设备运进该地区。The mountain terrain poses particular problems for civil engineers.这种高山地势给土木工程师带来了特殊问题。The bridge is a remarkable tribute to the skill of the early engineers.这座桥标志着早期工程师们的杰出技艺。He's one of our top-flight engineers.他是我们最优秀的工程师之一。Most engineers are very well-paid.大多数工程师薪水都很高。The engineers have gone on strike for better pay and shorter working hours.工程师举行了罢工,要求提高工资,缩短工作时间。Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings.音响师运用一系列技术来提高录音质量。She brought together a team of top-drawer designers and engineers.她建起了一支由最优秀的设计师和工程师组成的团队。The plans were drawn up in consultation with engineers.这些计划是经过和工程师们磋商后制订的。We've consulted with several engineers about the best way to support the bridge.我们请教了几位工程师支撑桥梁的最佳办法。A team of engineers designed the new engine.一组工程师设计了新发动机。




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